On 2009-09-01 14:51 +0000, Kris Malfettone wrote:
> Vim works fine without cygwin on windows and I am sure emacs or its
> various derivitives have cygwin-less windows ports as well.

I never liked emacs. Joe-bindings are half emacs, half wordstar,
but I just can't stand emacs' own bindings, beyond the basic
de facto standard unix movement bindings. Years ago, I tried 
to start usin emacs, but just couldn't. Too crippled. It's like 
an OS missing the editor. ^X combos are awful hand-twisters,
and it seems ^X is hard-coded (at least in GNU emacs) in many
places, so can't be remapped to something more useful (in joe:
forward word). Another annoyance was, well, Escape Meta Alt
Control Shift, how you needed one binding for search forward,
another for search backward, third for replace forward, and
so on, these not even including a case-sensitivity toggle.
In joe, otoh, the single search function just queries the
options. There were various other annoyances, like the syntax
highlighter not having the concept of numbers, etc. 
So I doubt I'll be going for emacs, if I can find something
else. Joe would be the best, but it doesn't run natively on
Windows. And, since not running in a terminal, something
not contstrained by the text terminal would be nice, for
displaying automatic folds, etc.

Vi, well, it's from such a different world that I don't
dislike it like emacs, but never really “got it” either.


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