Hello, Thanks.

I’m not clear about what STEP 1 entails in your proposal.

However, the initial (and most critical) step is to
cleanly enable cross-platform support for TCP
within the framework. This work would subsume STEP 3.

Work within IP adapters themselves (STEP 1/2) should be the
last step that follows from the above work.
Which port(s) will you be updating? (I assume Linux is
starting point)

You may implement the different bits in any order of your
choosing, but I’d like to see patches in the order
prescribed above.

Also, you may submit your patches directly to master for review.


Kishen Maloor
Intel Open Source Technology Center

From: 조제현 <jaehyun3....@samsung.com<mailto:jaehyun3....@samsung.com>> on behalf 
of 조제현 <jaehyun3....@samsung.com<mailto:jaehyun3....@samsung.com>>
Reply-To: "jaehyun3....@samsung.com<mailto:jaehyun3....@samsung.com>" 
Date: Monday, March 12, 2018 at 11:45 PM
To: Kishen Maloor <kishen.mal...@intel.com<mailto:kishen.mal...@intel.com>>
Cc: "iotivity-dev@lists.iotivity.org<mailto:iotivity-dev@lists.iotivity.org>" 
Subject: Regarding iotivity-constrained TCP contribution.


I have a plan to contribute tcp feature in iotivity-constrained repository.

below is contribute plan.


STEP 1. separate ipadapter with UDP & make space for TCP adapter. (like below)

   UDP   TCP

STEP 2. implement TCP adapter.

STEP 3. implement CoAP over TCP.


The question is that do I need to make separate branch for this?

or just push to master and review for it.




조제현  Jaehyun Cho
Assistant Engineer
IoT Lab
Convergence Team
Software R&D Center


Mobile : 82-10-9621-2800
E-mail : jaehyun3....@samsung.com<mailto:jaehyun3....@samsung.com>


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