If you just want to know where we are, why do you need name and email

On Fri, May 25, 2018, 6:48 PM Rami Alshafi <rami_in_portl...@hotmail.com>

> IoTivitiers,
> I was curious where the developers at? if you don't mind, will you please
> tell me what city you are in?  https://ramialshafi.typeform.com/to/h01EcB
> <https://ramialshafi.typeform.com/to/h01EcB>
> New typeform <https://ramialshafi.typeform.com/to/h01EcB>
> ramialshafi.typeform.com
> Turn data collection into an experience with Typeform. Create beautiful
> online forms, surveys, quizzes, and so much more. Try it for FREE.
> It would be cool to visualize a heat map of where the IoTivity developers
> are in general.
> Thanks,
> -Rami

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