Hi Tero,

> I.e., when you configure node A for PPK use, you need to give node A
> all the PPKs for all peers it has. I.e., the configuration loaded on
> the node A needs to provide all PPKs it will need.

If node A is mostly an initiator (e.g. a remote access client),
then it knows beforehand to whom it is trying to connect. So you
may provide it only with PPKs for some nodes. Then the node A
will send PPK_SUPPORTED only in case it is connecting to a peer,
for which the node A has a PPK. This way you may deploy PPK
incrementally or partially (only to some part of the network).

For responder the situation is worse. At the moment it sends PPK_SUPPORTED
it doesn't know whether it has a PPK for this particular initiator.
So it must be preconfigured with PPKs for all possible initiators
before starting to reply with PPK_SUPPORTED.

> > - We also need to specify the format of the ppk_id. This isn't that
> > hard, however we did want an updated revision Real Soon Now, and
> > this format doesn't feel like something I want to just slap
> > together....
> Actually for both ppk_id, and the PPK value used in the calculations,
> I would suggest following:
>       Both the the ppk_id inside the N(PPK_IDENTITY) and the PPK
>       value used in the SK_d/SK_pi/SK_pr calculations are opaque
>       octect streams. Implementations supporting PPK, MUST support
>       ppk_ids having length of less than 64 octets, and MAY support
>       longer ppk_id values. The PPK itself MUST have length between
>       16 and 64 octets.

I'd rather add a type field to ppk_id. So the ppk_id is constructed
of 2 fields: type and value. Types could be:
1. raw id
2. OTF file offset
3. PPK dependent id

For the 3rd option the ppk_id is constructed using the PPK
itself and a session parameters, e.g. ppk_id = prf(PPK, Ni | Nr).
This would allow the responder to check whether PPK is correct
before verifying AUTH payload.

In general, having a type value would simplify PPK management in case
a host have PPKs of different types and need to look them up 
in different storages.


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