Hi Ben,

> On Wed, Apr 29, 2020 at 10:54:26PM +0300, Yoav Nir wrote:
> > [With chair hat on]
> >
> > Yes, the charter says that we are to make a guidance document. If the
> working group feels that it’s better to put the specification and guidance in 
> a
> single document, we can work on that and clear it with the ADs.
> >
> > Charters can be modified.
> FWIW I don't see a particular need to recharter to do an 8229bis.

Can you please clarify for those of us who (like me) are not native speakers:
do you think that the current charter allows to do an 8229bis without need to 
or do you think there is no need to do an 8229bis and thus no need to recharter?

Thank you,

> -Ben

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