Valery Smyslov writes:
> The responder does use an existing TCP connection to reply, but once
> it replies with cookie request, it should close this connection. If
> it keeps this connection, then it keeps TCP state until the client
> resends IKE_SA_INIT request (if ever) and thus thwarts the idea of
> being stateless.
> This is probably not so important for cookies, because the client
> has already proved during TCP handshake, that its IP is a real IP
> address, but it is more important in case of puzzles. But in both
> cases I think that keeping responder stateless is a good idea.

I think it is important not to close the TCP immediately after the
sending out cookie request, as proper initiator will most likely
respond it in one round trip, thus forcing initiator to restart TCP
handshake wastes lots of resources. On the other hand it might be
useful for puzzles, depending on the expected solving time.

Note, that when the responder closes the TCP connection the connection
goes to the TCP TIME_WAIT state, where it will still waste resources
for a minute or so, thus closing TCP session will NOT free resources
immediately, thus closing TCP session too quickly will waste much more
resources than keeping it open for 10 seconds or so.

If responder keeps the TCP session open for 10 seconds, and initiator
comes back during that time with cookie or solved puzzle it can save 6
packets between the peers, and one set of buffers used for TCP
send/receive windows. If initiator does not come back after 10 second
wait, then it only extends the resource use from 60 seconds to 70
seconds or so...

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