I know this may sound crazy, but I decided to try to splice files together assuming they have the same center frequency and the same bandwidth. I recorded several files that met the above criteria and spliced them with GoldWave, and it worked fine, with just a couple of hitches. I wanted to do this because I these files were "next" to each other in time. I had a problem with Spectravue cutting off in the middle of recording (that is another issue), and I had to restart them. As long as the restart interval is not too much, it doesn't really matter significantly.

Anyway, the audio of the original recordings were still intact on the spliced file. You can still scan through the file as normal. However, the spliced file lost some of "Aux information" like the center frequency and the original time stamp. Also, I don't know why but the spliced file was a little bit wider than the original recordings (originals - 150 kHz and spliced - 158.727 kHz.) For the center frequency, if you enter the correct center frequency when you load the spliced file and it works just fine. I don't know how to fix the time stamp, so you have to live with the new one.
So, if you ever have a reason to splice files together, it is possible.

Now back to DXing.

Bill Harms
Elkridge, Maryland

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