I hope I'm adding clarification and not fuel to the fire, but this
annotated satellite view map and Rockwork cliffs lat./long. spreadsheet
might help:

I made the map of cliffs #2, 3, and 4 in 2012, which also shows the
relative angle of the rock walls near each cliff (to get an idea of
domestic signals attenuation, etc.).

The .xlsx spreadsheet is from 2011, and I *think* Gary created this
originally. I have compared the Google-reported latitude and longitudes of
the Rockwork turnouts with the numbers in the spreadsheet, and they
indicate that turnout #1 is furthest north as Gary's mentioned (and also
shows as the trail head for Elk Flats Trail on Google Maps). Turnout #6 is
listed in the spreadsheet as "right next to milepost 41 sign" and this can
be confirmed with the Street Map view.



From: Gary DeBock <d1028g...@comcast.net>
> To: Chuck Hutton <charle...@msn.com>, "America, Mailing" <
> irca@hard-core-dx.com>
> Cc:
> Bcc:
> Date: Fri, 10 Aug 2018 20:31:54 -0700 (PDT)
> Subject: Re: [IRCA] Five DXer Session at the Rockwork Cliff
> FWIW (maybe a little), in the informal numbering system used by DXers
> since 2011, Chuck, you were indeed at Rockwork 3 on Tuesday morning, not
> Rockwork 5. But none of these numbers are "official," and anybody can call
> any turnoff whatever he wants.
> In August of 2011 (the very first time that a wacky DXer tried setting up
> at the plunging cliff) I assigned numbers to each of the Rockwork Highway
> 101 turnoffs, starting with #1 for the first turnoff as you approach the
> cliff from the north. As such, #2 is the relatively large turnoff as you
> proceed up the hill, and #3 is the somewhat smaller turnoff after that. By
> now everyone knows where #4 is (including the squatters), while #5 is
> another relatively small turnoff near the crest of Highway 101. Turnoff #6
> is the rather wide, open area at the crest of Highway 101, which always had
> plenty of space for antenna setup until the squatters discovered it.
> Up until last week none of these numbers were very important, since every
> DXer simply set up at #4, everybody knew where it was, and everybody
> accepted the name. After this summer's squatter proliferation we had to
> scramble every morning for antenna setup space, though, and the turnoff
> numbers suddenly became very important in pre-session scouting text
> messages. In any case, if you wish to call turnoff #3 by a different number
> (#5), that's certainly OK-- the only risk is that the other DXers may
> misunderstand you.
> Gary
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