FPI Akan Tuntut Gus Dur
Muhammad Atqa - detikcom

Jakarta - Pernyataan Gus Dur bahwa FPI melakukan pengrusakan dan penutupan
paksa terhadap 23 gereja di Bandung, sehingga Presiden SBY harus turun
tangan, berbuntut panjang. FPI akan menuntut Gus Dur karena mencemarkan nama
baik dengan memfitnah FPI. Gus Dur diminta untuk mencabut pernyataannya dan
meminta maaf kepada FPI.

"FPI tidak pernah melakukan penutupan paksa. Itu fitnah dan bohong besar.
Tidak ada anarkisme atau pengrusakan," kata Ketua DPP FPI Bidang Internal
Ahmad Sobri kepada detikcom ketika dihubungi melalui telepon, Rabu

Sobri menjelaskan, bukanlah gereja yang ditutup, melainkan rumah yang
dijadikan gereja liar. Hal inilah yang dilakukan FPI bersama masyarakat
untuk menghentikan kegiatan pemukiman yang dijadikan gereja liar tanpa izin
warga setempat.

"Itu melanggar Surat Keputusan Bersama (SKB). Kita hanya menuntut
pengembalian sesuai fungsinya. Mereka tidak diizinkan oleh masyarakat
setempat. Namun mereka tetap ngotot. Aparat pun tidak berbuat apa-apa,"
jelas Sobri.

Apalagi, lanjut Sobri, pendirian gereja itu di tengah-tengah warga yang
mayoritas Muslim. "Paling cuma ada 1 atau 2 orang saja warga Kristen di
sana. Masih banyak gereja yang kosong, kan mereka bisa gabung ke gereja
itu," ujarnya.

Diberitakan sebelumnya, Front Pembela Islam (FPI), Aliansi Gerakan Anti
Pemurtadan (AGAP), dan ormas Islam lainnya beserta masyarakat telah
melakukan penutupan terhadap 23 gereja di Bandung. Aksi ini dilakukan
terhitung sejak 3 September 2004 hingga 21 Agustus 2005.

Hal ini membuat Gus Dur turun tangan. Dia meminta SBY menindak tegas. Jika
tidak, banser pun siap dikerahkan. Gus Dur mengatakan, "Kepada pimpinan
tinggi FPI, saya ajukan imbauan agar hal ini diindahkan. Anda telah dua kali
melakukan kesalahan organisatoris dan melanggar UU. Yang pertama Ahmadiyah
dan sekarang ini menutup paksa gereja,".

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of A Nizami
Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2005 3:39 PM
To: is-lam
Subject: [is-lam] Pendirian Gereja Tanpa Izin/Liar - Re: FPI Tutup Paksa

Assalamu'alaikum wr wb,

Itu kasusnya adalah rumah biasa yang kemudian dijadikan gereja tanpa izin di
tengah2 penduduk yang
mayoritasnya Islam.
Hingga akhirnya timbul keributan. Oleh karena itulah dibuat SKB 3 Menteri
untuk mengatur itu.

Jangankan di Indonesia, di Eropa saja yang katanya bebas, ummat Islam juga
tidak bisa sembarangan
mendirikan masjid tanpa izin. Sebagai contoh, di Athena sama sekali tidak
ada masjid karena mayoritas
penduduk tersebut menentang pendirian masjid. Akibatnya ummat Islam di sana
(sebagian penduduk lokal
dan staf kedubes negara Islam) tak bisa beribadah di masjid.

Intinya izin. Kalau gereja yang sudah berizin seperti gereja Santa, dsb,
mana ada ormas Islam yang mau
menggerebek? Bukankah di Bandung ada berpuluh-puluh gereja yang berdiri
dengan aman tanpa gangguan?

Greek mosque plans cause friction

By Richard Galpin
BBC, Athens

The small Greek town of Peania nestles in the hills north of the capital,
Athens, close to the new
international airport. It is an unremarkable place, and an air of boredom
hangs over the central square.

Athens has had no mosque since the early 19th Century But not for much

If the Greek Government has its way, the town will become the focus for tens
of thousands of Muslims
living in the capital with the construction of the first proper mosque in
the Athens area for almost 200

The Foreign Ministry is pushing hard for a large mosque and Islamic cultural
centre to be built before
the Olympics get under way in just over a year's time.

It's a very bad situation, they are violating our human rights - we must
have a right to practise our
religion and it must be in a proper mosque

Mohammed Ashad Pakistani immigrant More than 30,000 square metres of land
have been set
aside for the buildings which will be paid for by Saudi Arabia at a cost
estimated at millions of

The Greek Government is acting partly out of shame, particularly with the
approach of the Olympic games
which are already putting the country under the international spotlight.

"Athens is the only capital in the European Union without a mosque," Foreign
Minister George Papandreou
admitted in a recent statement.

Makeshift mosques

It is an extraordinary fact that not a single mosque has operated officially
in the capital or its
immediate surroundings since Greece gained its independence from the Muslim
Ottoman empire in the
early 19th Century.

Mosques have been set up in apartment blocks The growing number of Muslim
immigrants in Athens from
Albania, South Asia, Africa and the Middle-East pray at so-called
"underground" mosques which are not
properly licensed.

Dozens of these makeshift mosques have been set up in the capital in
apartments, shops and garages.

"It's a very bad situation, they are violating our human rights," says
Mohammed Ashad, a Pakistani
immigrant who has lived in Greece for six years. "We must have a right to
practise our religion and it must
be in a proper mosque."

Mohammed was speaking after completing his prayers at an underground mosque
in the city centre.

It is in a dingy, run-down apartment block with a staircase which stinks of

The room which masquerades as a library, is too small for the busiest
prayer-time of the week on Fridays
when people spill out into the hall and down the stairs.

"It's very strange because Greece is inside the European Union and will be
in the centre of Europe
with the inclusion of 10 more countries," says Mohammed, "and yet there's no
official mosque."

Plan rejected

Ambassadors representing Arab countries have been trying to persuade the
Greek Government to build a
proper mosque for almost 30 years. They are now certain they have succeeded.

Almost 100% of the population here is opposed to the mosque - we were never
asked if we wanted it and this
region is not suitable Paraskevas Papakostopoulos Mayor of Peania
"All the preparations are complete, " says Abdullah Abdullah, the
Palestinian representative in Athens.
"The Greek Government gave its approval, the Arab side is ready for the
construction and the Greek church has
given its blessing."

But back in the town of Peania where the mosque is to be built there is fury
amongst the local population.

The town council has rejected the plan and mayor Paraskevas Papakostopoulos
has appealed to the courts
to block the building of the mosque, arguing it is illegal to use the land
for construction.

"Almost 100% of the population here is opposed to the mosque," he says. "We
were never asked if we wanted it
and this region is not suitable."

Historic fear

The mayor is particularly concerned that the mosque will be seen by visitors
as they land at Athens

"This is a problem for us as the first impression visitors will have will be
something not
representative of Greek culture. They will feel they have arrived in a
Muslim country."

Officially the Greek Orthodox Church, which dominates the country's
religious life, has said it does not
oppose the new mosque.

But amongst the clergy in Peania there is a very different view.

"I cannot conceive of this mosque being built here," says parish priest
Father Antonios Milakis. "At the
Islamic centre they will train and ordain Muslims and they will try to
convert people of other faiths."

It seems this fear of Islam is rooted in history. "Greece and the Greeks
link Islam or Muslims with the
Turkish occupation of the country [which lasted] for centuries and this
resentment is still there," says
Abdullah Abdullah.

But ironically even the Muslims themselves are opposed to the mosque being
built in Peania.

The town is 20 kilometres from the centre of Athens and most say they will
not be able to go there for
their daily prayers as it is simply too far away.


Zaman's mosque, one of six or so in the Memphis area, was paying for space
at a private cemetery, some 45
miles away, that was nearing capacity.

But when the Muslim Society of Memphis asked a suburban planning board for
permission to build an
Islamic cemetery closer to town, in an area with several other cemeteries,
the community responded with

"We don't need bin Laden's cousins in our neighborhood," said one Fayette
County resident during
a public hearing.

"We know for a fact that Muslim mosques have been used as terrorist
hideouts," argued another, who later
likened Muslims to Nazis.

Worried that the public outcry might pressure county commissioners to deny
the request, the Muslim Society
temporarily withdrew its application. But Zaman, who teaches at the
University of Tennessee's medical
school, says the group is determined to prevail over the racist rhetoric.

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