Hi Bruno,

Many thanks for your valuable comments and see in line


-----Original Message-----
From: <bruno.decra...@orange.com>
Date: Wednesday, December 20, 2017 at 02:10
To: "draft-ietf-isis-segment-routing-...@ietf.org" 
Cc: "isis-...@ietf.org" <isis-...@ietf.org>, "isis-wg@ietf.org" 
<isis-wg@ietf.org>, Christian Hopps <cho...@chopps.org>
Subject: RE: [Isis-wg] WG Last Call for draft-ietf-isis-segment-routing-msd-07
Resent-From: <alias-boun...@ietf.org>
Resent-To: <jefftant.i...@gmail.com>, <uma.chund...@huawei.com>, 
<aldrin.i...@gmail.com>, <ginsb...@cisco.com>
Resent-Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2017 02:10:57 -0800 (PST)

    Hi authors,
    Please find below WGLC comments on this document.
    "the provisioned MSD
       of the router originating the Router Capability TLV.  Node MSD is the
       lowest MSD supported by the node of any interface and can be
       provisioned in IS-IS instance."
    I don't see the MSD as a provisioned value, but as a hardware capability. 
(Note that as a network operator, I'd be happy to be able to provision this 
capability without changing the hardware/software, but that has not been my 
experience so far.)
    Let's not put the burden on the network operator to configure this, while 
the node should know the value better. (as a priori, in the absence this 
extension, the node would report an error if instructed to push more labels 
than it is capable of). Especially for WAN routers, when Line Card may be 
changed (e.g. upgraded), so this would requires the network operator to keep 
track of all Line card change and update the MSD capability accordingly.(in 
which case, it may be just simpler to configure it directly on the controler, 
rather than requiring IS-IS, OSPF, BGP-LS protocol extensions, plus new 
features on all (involded) nodes)

[jeff] In ideal situation, the MSD capabilities should come from the HW SDK, 
while in a vertically integrated device, it might be vendor provisioned, 
however in a disaggregated case (HW and SW are from different vendors), ability 
to query HW for its MSD capabilities becomes crucial.
I have brought this point and discussed with BCM, Barefoot and few other HW 
everyone agreed that would be a useful functionality, and would require quite 
simple API to add. Now it is up to their customers to demand an implementation, 
CP is standardized here, and, as usual, HW vendors have preference for a formal 
specification, that is stable.
For the time being, while there are no implementations we need to provide means 
to configure the value
Please also note, MSD configuration is covered by SR YANG model, in case the 
MSD value is communicated from HW(ro), it would go into operational data store

    "the provisioned MSD of the interface associated with the link."
    Please explicit whether the controller/reader need to use the MSD of the 
incoming link or of the outgoing link.
    If you believe this may be hardware dependent, this need to be signaled.

[jeff] always from outgoing link prospective, so the internals 
(ingress/egress/spitted MSD imposition) of a device are not of importance
    "MSD of type 1 (IANA Registry), called Base MSD, is used to signal the 
total number of SIDs a node is capable of imposing,"
    I think that this is limited to MPLS-SID. It would be good to state this 
somewhere. e.g. :s/SIDs/MPLS SIDs
[jeff] No, it doesn’t have to, IPv6 data plane could be covered as well, 
however topic for future and would be done thru a separate draft.
    "MSD: Maximum SID Depth"
    IMHO, I'm not a big fan of the term "depth".
    I find that it can be mislead with RLD (Readable Label Depth Capability). I 
don't feel that pushing N SID requires looking/going deep into the packet. 
Looking at the surface of the incoming label looks enough.
    Obviously, the comment is late.
[jeff] Let’s agree to disagree on this one, the draft explicitly mentions RLD 
and spells out the difference. 
    Related comment: I don't find the definition to be explicit enough. e.g. 
You now need to define what "SID depth" is or provide or reference.
[jeff] Point taken, will include in the terminology section – would definition 
such as “ SID depth is a number of SID’s a node or a link on a node is capable 
of imposing” work? Any text you would like to propose?
    1.1.1.  Terminology
    Given that the term are very very briefly explained, may be adding a 
reference to the RFC defining/explaining them.
    "In order, for BGP-LS to signal MSD for
       the all nodes and links in the network MSD is relevant, MSD
       capabilites SHOULD be distributed to every IS-IS router in the
    I don't think that the "SHOULD" is related to interoperability. Hence a 
"should" is probably enough. 
[jeff] agreed, will change
       "Value field consists of a 1 octet sub-type (IANA Registry) and 1 octet 
    I don't see the value (sic) to hard code the legnth of the "sub-value":
    - this restrict the use of future MSD Sub-type Codepoints
    - if we hard code it, there is no use of the "length" field. (and "Length 
is variable " becomes not true)
           |    Type       |   Length      |      Sub-Type and Value       |
    "Value field consists of a 1 octet sub-type (IANA Registry) and 1
       octet value."
    Text and figure do not match: the value field is either 'Sub-Type and 
value" as per the text, or just "value without the Sub-type" as per the figure. 

[jeff]point taken, will update
    *2 (link and node MSD)
    § MSD Advertisement
    "   Sub-Type 1 (IANA Section), MSD and the Value field contains Link MSD
       of the router originating the corresponding TLV's 22, 23, 141, 222,
       and 223.  Link MSD is a number in the range of 0-254. 0 represents
       lack of the ability to impose MSD stack of any depth; any other value
       represents that of the particular link MSD value."
    It's not clear whether the text related to the MSD value is specific to the 
Sub-type 1 or to the whole Link MSD Advertisment. (i.e. would restrict the 
usage of future sub-Types). May be using two sections would help: one defining 
the Link MSD, one defining Sub-type 1. In which case the last paragraph of the 
introduction may be move to this new sub-type 1 section.
[jeff]point taken, will update

    *2 (link and node MSD)
    " Other Sub-types other than defined above are reserved for future 
extensions.  This sub-TLV is optional."
    It's not clear whether you mean this sub-TLV 1, or any sub-TLV n, or the 
presence of a sub-TLV. 

[jeff]point taken, will update
    "the ability to impose MSD stack of any depth"
    Were are not imposing an "MSD stack", but SID stack. Actually the SR 
architecture tends to use the term "list of segments" (or "ordered list of 

[jeff] agreed, will correct
    "   This document describes a mechanism to signal Segment Routing MSD
       supported at node and/or link granularity through IS-IS LSPs and does
       not introduce any new security issues."
    Improved fingerprinting capability would be one. Which may help target the 
right vulnerability of the advertising router.
[jeff] I don’t see how exposing MSD would increase the risk, please elaborate   
    "supported by a node at node and/or link granularity"
    May be NEW: supported by a node or link
[jeff] declined, both could be signaled at the same time
    "In order, for BGP-LS to signal MSD for
       the all nodes and links in the network MSD is relevant, MSD
       capabilites SHOULD be distributed to every IS-IS router in the
    In my understandind:
    :s/the all nodes/all the nodes
    :s/distributed to every IS-IS router/advertised by every IS-IS router

[jeff] agreed, will correct
       "A new sub-TLV within the body of IS-IS Router Capability TLV
       [RFC7981], Node MSD sub-TLV is defined to carry the provisioned MSD
       of the router originating the Router Capability TLV. ""
    May be the following would be easier to read
       A new sub-TLV "Node MSD sub-TLV" is defined within the body of IS-IS 
Router Capability TLV
       [RFC7981],  to carry the provisioned MSD
       of the router originating the Router Capability TLV.

[jeff] agreed will correct
       "Sub-Type 1 (IANA Section), MSD and the Value field contains Link MSD
       of the router originating the corresponding TLV's 22, 23, 141, 222,
       and 223.  Link MSD is a number in the range of 0-254."   
    Please use two paragraphs. One for "Sub-type" field, one for "MSD value" 

[jeff] agreed will correct
    "0 represents lack of the ability to impose MSD stack of any depth "
    May be NEW: "0 represents lack of the ability to impose any SID"
    "Maximum MSD"
    NEW: MSD
    ("M" already stands for Maximum)
    Multiple times in the doc, with "Maximum" or "maximum"
[jeff] agreed will correct
    The document has 2 "Terminology" sections. You should probably merge them.
[jeff] agreed will correct
     > -----Original Message-----
     > From: Isis-wg [mailto:isis-wg-boun...@ietf.org] On Behalf Of Christian 
     > Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2017 9:33 AM
     > To: isis-wg@ietf.org
     > Cc: isis-...@ietf.org; draft-ietf-isis-segment-routing-...@ietf.org
     > Subject: [Isis-wg] WG Last Call for 
     > The authors have asked for and we are starting a WG Last Call on
     >  https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-isis-segment-routing-msd/
     > which will last an extended 4 weeks to allow for year-end PTO patterns.
     > An IPR statement exists:
     > Authors please reply to the list indicating whether you are aware of any
     > *new* IPR.
     > Thanks,
     > Chris.
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