'Chain of errors' led to 36-hour nuclear blunder 
By Stephen Foley in New York
Published: 24 September 2007 
Nuclear warheads capable of unleashing the equivalent of 10 Hiroshima bombs 
were mistakenly flown across the United States by a bomber crew who thought 
they were dummies, and the terrifying security lapse was not discovered for 
almost 36 hours, it has been revealed.

The Pentagon is examining how so many vital checks and balances, painstakingly 
set out during the Cold War era, broke down to cause an incident that military 
personnel are calling one of the biggest mistakes in US Air Force history.

The flight last month was the first time in 40 years that nuclear bombs have 
been flown over US territory without specific authorisation from the top of the 
air force. Critics have argued that safety procedures have been disregarded as 
funds and expertise are diverted to new wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The B-52 took off from the remote Minot air force base in North Dakota with 12 
cruise missiles that were being taken out of commission and scheduled for 
burial in Louisiana. The warheads on the decommissioned missiles should have 
been replaced with dummies of the same weight, but personnel failed to notice 
that six of the 12 were fully operational nuclear warheads.

The flight, on 30 August, was kept secret by the US Air Force, until news 
leaked on to military websites a week later. The Washington Post yesterday 
catalogued the full chain of errors and oversights and revealed that some of 
America's most powerful nuclear weapons were in effect out of supervision for 
almost 36 hours.

The bomber had sat on the tarmac at Minot overnight, with nothing but routine 
security patrols guarding its payload, and then for a further nine hours at the 
Barksdale base in Louisiana before the missiles were unloaded and a shocked 
transport crew recognised the error. The incident was deemed so serious that it 
was immediately reported to the Pentagon's nuclear planning headquarters and to 
the Defence Secretary, Robert Gates, as a so-called "Bent Spear" event. Only 
"Broken Arrow" events are more serious - they involve the loss, destruction or 
mistaken detonation of a nuclear weapon.

"Clearly this incident was unacceptable on many levels," said an Air Force 
spokesman, Lt-Col Edward Thomas. "Our response has been swift and focused, and 
it has really just begun. We will spend many months at the air staff and at our 
commands and bases ensuring that the root causes are addressed."

The chain of errors began in the camouflaged storage bunker in North Dakota, 
where nuclear warheads are supposed to be visually checked through a small 
window in the missile casing, or marked with a ribbon, or otherwise catalogued 
using serial numbers, barcodes and other markings. The B-52 crew is also 
required to examine the missiles, but only the side carrying the six dummy 
warheads was checked in this case, it is believed.

The air force insists that the public was never in danger and that even if the 
bomber had crashed, fail-safe mechanisms would have ensured that the bombs 
could not detonate. Anti-nuclear campaigners said that the dangerous fissile 
material inside the warheads could have been released into the atmosphere if 
the missiles had been damaged.

Two separate investigations are under way, including one set up in the past few 
days under retired general Larry Welch, who once commanded the strategic bomber 
fleet, charged with examining if there are widespread lapses in the way 
munitions are stored and transported around the US.

Scores of correspondents on military discussion boards have expressed their 
surprise and alarm, and warned that standards have slipped since the height of 
the Cold War.

One former B-52 commander wrote: "I'm not sure where to begin. I'm outraged and 
embarrassed! Back in 1979 we had to sign for nuclear weapons verifying serial 
numbers, the security folks posted two-man guards at the aircraft, the cops 
enforced two-man maintenance crews access to aircraft, etc. What the hell 
happened here?"

Linton Brooks, the man who oversaw billions of dollars in US aid to help Russia 
secure its nuclear stockpile, told The Washington Post that nuclear weapons 
handling had moved down the agenda.

"Where nuclear weapons have receded into the background is at the senior policy 
level, where there are other things people have to worry about," he said.

Mr Linton resigned in January as director of the National Nuclear Security 

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