Israel sends jets toward Syria again

Published: September 23, 2007, 11:35

Occupied Jerusalem: Israel dispatched several fighter jets toward Syria after a 
Syrian aircraft disappeared from Israeli air force radar screens, Israeli 
military officials said Sunday.

In the incident on Saturday, the Israeli jets returned to their bases minutes 
later when it became clear the Syrian airplane had crashed, the officials said 
on condition of  anonymity since they were not authorized to discuss such 
sensitive military matters with the press.

The Israeli army did not comment on the incident.

In another incident on Thursday, Israeli fighter jets were dispatched to the 
northern Golan Heights, along the border with Syria, when ''suspicious 
activity'' was reported in the area, the military officials said. Later it was 
discovered that the objects in the air were migrating birds, the officials 

Tensions between Israel and Syria increased this month after reports of an 
Israeli air strike in northern Syria on Sept. 6.

Foreign media say the Israeli target was either arms meant for Hezbollah 
guerrillas in Lebanon or a joint Syrian-North Korean nuclear project. Syria has 
denied both while acknowledging the strike, but Israel has refused to comment.

Israel considers Syria one of its greatest enemies and accuses Damascus of 
backing the militant organizations Hamas and Hezbollah.

Despite the recent tensions, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert last week 
called for the reopening of peace talks, without conditions, between the two 
adversaries. Past negotiations broke down over Syria's demand for the return of 
the Golan Heights, a strategic plateau that Israel captured in the 1967 Mideast 


Wall of silence on Syria raid 'breaking'

By Khalil Al Assali, Correspondent
Published: September 24, 2007, 00:25

Occupied Jerusalem: Despite the wall of silence imposed by the Israeli 
government and military and security officials over what happened two weeks ago 
in the Syrian territories, the wall is beginning to crack. 

This break in silence came as a result of leaks about the raid that has been 
the concern of Israelis as well as the local media. The first person who broke 
the Israeli silence was a member of the Likud party, Benjamin Netanyahu, who 
confirmed that he was aware of the details of the raid on Syria and 
"congratulated the Israeli Prime Minister for the very successful operation".

In addition Netanyahu said in a statement to Israeli TV that this operation 
will be "taught in military schools". 

Elite unit 

A few days later, the UK's Sunday Times newspaper reported that the elite 
Matkal unit had carried out a land raid in Syria. 

Moreover, the Israeli Military radio station hosted the former General and 
Deputy Leader of the Matkal unit, Ozi Dian, who said: "The unit is capable of 
carrying out any operation behind enemy lines."

He added: "Gathering information that has to do with nuclear weapons needs 
precision and special devices in order to study the percentage of radiation in 
the surrounding area of the location because these substances emit radiation a 
long way; therefore, the gathering of some plants and other things will help to 
figure out whether there are nuclear substances close by or not."

The Matkal unit or Sayeret Matkal is the most trained, capable and confidential 
unit in the Israeli Military. 


Sayeret Matkal (the Chosen Staff Unit) is the unofficial name for unit 269 
which is one of the private units in the Israeli military and belongs to the 
militant investigation branch.

It is compared to the Delta Forces' power in the American military or to the 
SAS in the British military.

Sayeret Matkal was established in 1957, with blessings from the chairman of the 
Israeli military body Moshe Dyan. 

The main reason for establishing it was to gather information about the enemy 
in addition to individuals receiving private training on methods of fighting, 
especially fighting terrorism.

Many Israeli figures, who later became famous politicians or militants, have 
served in Sayeret Matkal, such as former prime ministers Ehud Barak and 
Benjamin Netanyahu, the former Minister of Defence Shaol Mofaz, the Minister of 
Interior Security Avi Dichter and the former Chairman of Mossad Danni Yatim.

Unit 269 has remained confidential for a long time and did not receive official 
approval until the eighties; however, it remains a highly confidential body 
because of its capabilities and activities. 

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