From: Rajani Shiv [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 03 May 2005 12:33
To: newstoday group
Subject: [newstoday] Iraqi Resistance Strengthens


Abu Messab Al-Zarqawi: O People Of Islam! Strength, Strength!
May 02, 2005

A new tape from the leader of al-Qaida in the Land of the Two Rivers that surfaced Friday has not only sparked a sharp rise in attacks over the weekend but follows to the letter the al-Qaida Strategy To The Year 2020, adding further validity to that document.

In this statement, al-Zarqawi addresses the truthful Mujahideen and makes clear the intentions of the Americans and it allies is to establish a Zionist state from the Nile to the Euphrates and what the obligations of the Mujahideen and the Ummah at large are.

Here is the complete statement, uncut and uncensored, as translated by JUS. All praise is to Allah who made quick work of this lengthy address and special thanks to the JUS translation team that worked over the weekend to bring this to our pages today. The complete Arabic tape can be found on the sidebar under “Uncensored News’.

We remind our viewers that the statements, opinions and points of view expressed in this article are those of the author and shall not be deemed to mean that they are necessarily those of Jihad Unspun, the publisher, editor, writers, contributors or staff.

Complete Statement By Abu Messab Al-Zarqawi Titled “O People Of Islam! Strength, Strength

Praise be to Allah, whose Help glorifies Islam, whose irresistibility humiliates Shirk (rejection of oneness), whose Command manages all affairs, whose Planning draws the Kafirs (unbelievers) in little by little, whose Justice causes days of blessings and days of suffering to alternate, and whose Grace makes final victory belongs to the pious. And peace and prayer be on the one that with his sword, Allah elevated the status of Islam.

This statement is from Abu Mesaab Al-Zarqawi to the truthful Mujahideen on the land of the Two Rivers, the land of heroism and sacrifice, the land of the lions of unyielding willpower.

Peace, and Allah’s mercy and blessings be upon you.

I greet you with the Islamic greeting.

Here we are; two years have passed since Baghdad fell to the crusaders. The crusaders harvested nothing but defeat, shame, and humiliation. Allah’s Grace and guidance (bestowed on the Mujahideen) have prevented the cross worshippers from realizing any of their goals for which they invaded Iraq. They envisioned taking control of this Islamic Ummah, thereby paving the way for establishing the long sought after Zionist State, from the Nile to the Euphrates.

However, by the Grace of Allah first, and your successful blows second, their dreams have evaporated, their arrows went astray, and they went back on their heels with disgrace.

O you Mujahideen! You are this Ummah’s chosen few, its first line of defense, its safety valve, and its well-constructed fence. You are the vigilant, guardian rock upon which the American arrogance has crumbled into pieces. With your determination to fight the cross worshippers and their collaborators from our own skin, not only do you defend the land of the Two Rivers, but you also defend the entire Ummah.

Your American enemy is now in a position that no one wants to be in. No one wants to be in America’s shoes and no one envies this enemy at the present time. The severe blows you dealt this enemy, by the Grace of Allah, forced America to beg for negotiations with the Mujahideen. But do not be fooled by their tactics; it is nothing more than “Deception of Satan.” Iblis (the head of Satans) inspired his Satanic brothers among men to announce the necessity of opening a dialogue with the so called “resistance factions”. Make no mistake about it, your Jihad, your patience, and your steadfastness, is what forced the enemy to seek negotiations.

On April 19, the Washington Post published a lengthy article titled “Two Years Later…Iraq War Drains American Military”, written by Scott Tyson. In his article, Tyson said “two years after the U.S. war campaign against Iraq was launched, the Iraqi resistance operations still drain the American military resources and puts a heavy and unexpected burden on the military human resources.” Tyson quoted the deputy joint military chiefs of staff, saying the following during a U.S. Senate hearing:

“One question keeps me up at night: What would the strength of our military recruits look like in the year 2007?” Tyson then goes into discussing one of the most difficult tasks of the American military outside of the battle field - recruitment that is.

Tyson said “The regular army, the Marines, and most reserves have failed to meet their quotas for the first quarter of 2005, according to data from the Pentagon. This shortage is causing a great deal of concern to officials in the army and the Marines.”

The commander of the U.S. National Guards said “If we do not handle this problem the right way, the consequence will be too dangerous.” He further said that 20% of national guards suffer from exhaustion and two-thirds of national guards are expected to leave the service upon their return from Iraq.

O you Mujahideen, after your enemy has realized that the road (to his dreams) has reached a dead end, and the door (to Iraq wealth) is slammed shut in his face, he (the enemy) resorted to an impure plan for the purpose of pulling the carpet from under the feet of the truthful Mujahideen. They (Americans) encouraged those defeatists who are falsely counted as Mujahideen, to form the nucleus of the new Iraqi army in Sunni areas. The purpose of this move was to have the so called new Iraqi army stand in the way between the true Mujahideen and the cross worshippers.

O you truthful Mujahideen! Beware of a major plot being carefully knitted by Satan’s helpers, day and night.

O you Mujahideen! Jihad is a way by which Allah relieves depression, suffering, and low self-esteem. The Gardens (Paradise) are under the shadows of the swords. Allah has made all doors to paradise wide open for you; He brought your enemy right to your door steps so that the Jihad market may be open to all.

May Allah have mercy on Ebn Al-Qaiem who said “Allah causes wars between states in order to choose martyrs amongst you”

Allah, the Most High says:

{And fight them on until there is no more persecution, and the religion becomes Allah’s in its entirety…}, 8:39

The prophet, peace be upon him, said: “I swear by the one in whose Hand is my soul, I will continue to fight them (the Unbelievers) over this matter (Islam, Tawheed) until either my soul leaves my body or Allah’s religion gets the upper hand.”

O you Mujahideen! Your Jihad is spreading, and your fighting is continuous, until Allah lifts distress and oppression off our Ummah.

“Whenever you possess a pure heart, a sharp sword, and a hard nose, oppression and injustice will avoid you.”

I call on all truthful Mujahideen in Baghdad of the Rasheed (referring to Haroon Al-Rasheed, a Khalif at the time when Baghdad was the capital and the center of knowledge of the Islamic State)

O you heroes of Haifa, Al-Aathamiah, Al-Ghazaliah, Al-Amiriah, Al-Khadhra, Al-Mansour, Al-Dawrah, Al-Amin, and Al-Maamoun…..

O you lions of Al-Eskandariah, Haswah, Al-Mouseeb, Al-Mahmoudiah, Al-Latifiah, Yousifiah, Al-Radwaniah, Zawbah, Abu Ghraib, Madaen, Tarmiah, and Taji….

O you lions of Diali, Baqubah, Al-Meqdadiah, Khalis, Balad, Rose, Glula, Bahraz, Shahrian, and Khaniqeen…

O you glorious men in Salah Al-deen, Tikrit, Samaara, Biji, and Al-Ishaqi…..

O you steely servants of Allah in Ninoy, Mosel, Talafar, Rubaiah, Houwaijah, Kerkuk, Dahuk, Arbeel, and Soulimaniah…

O you unbending men in Anbar, Ramadi, Fallujah, Al-Qermah, Al-Amriah, Saqlawiah, Khaldiah, Hait, Hadithah, Aanah, Rawah, Qaim, and Al-Ratibah…

O you in the blessed front line in Hullah, Al-Nasiriah, Karbala, and Basra

Allah has blessed you with two years of continuous Jihad, and you have given up many bodies and souls in the cause of Allah. You have suffered a great deal of hardship on the road to defend Allah’s religion.

Fear Allah..Fear Allah over your religion…
Fear Allah…Fear Allah over your Jihad…
Fear Allah…Fear Allah over the blood of your brothers and the dignity and chasteness of your sisters.
Do not be like a woman who breaks into untwisted strands the yarn which she has spun, after it has become strong. (He is reffering to 16:92, of the Holy Qura’n). Do not be deceived by the vast number of the wrong-doers and do not be let down by the scarcity of the righteous. Let patience and certainty be your best tools.

May Allah have mercy on Khalid (referring to the most genius military leader ever, Khalid Ebn Al-Waleed who was nick-named “the sword of Allah” by the prophet (PBUH)), who stood before his army giving them a pep talk:

O you people of Islam!
In patience there lies glory, and in failure there lies inability.
With patience, you become victorious, for the patient has the upper hand, and failure is for the followers of falsehood and the weak ones.
The righteous do not fail, for he knows that Allah is on his side because he defends and fights for Allah’s religion. When the righteous meet Allah, He (Allah) will elevate his status, and recognize his good deeds, for Allah loves those who recognize His blessings and guidance.

Therefore, be patient, Tawheed brothers. It is only a matter of time before clear victory becomes yours. Any for you is one of two things; both of them are good. A martyr earns the pleasure of Allah or a victory.

O you grandchildren Saad, Al-Muthana, Khalid, and Abu Aubaidah (referring to great war tacticians)…

Defend your Aqeedah, defend your dignity, sharpen your swords, and fight to give your religion the upper hand. Fight for Allah and with full trust in Allah and go into the battlefield remembering Khalid’s words to his army:

“O people of Islam! Strength, Strength”

Take it to them (the enemy), and if you fight them while your intentions are purely for Allah, and you seek nothing but Allah’s pleasure, there will be no way that they (the enemy) can take it for even one hour. Beware of Wahan (love of life and hate of death), rest, and weakness. Do not let the huge propaganda and military machines deceive you into doubting your resolve, and do not doubt Allah’s victory to his servants.

If your intentions are pure for Allah, and your lines are straight, victory will be yours. Allah’s path is clear; stay on it and do not get bogged down with disagreements among yourselves and know that reward is proportionate with level of intention.

How could your resolve and your strength be weakened when you see your enemy enter the very inmost parts of your homes, and how could you let up when the enemy does not stop raping your sisters and your mothers?

Have you not heard your sisters screaming from behind bars of the crusaders prisons?

Have you not heard of what has happened to your sisters in Fallujah?

Have you not heard the story of your mother whose dignity was violated by deviant Shia? They (Shia Iraqi Guards) went to arrest her husband and when they could not find him, they arrested her. She kept on crying and begging them to let go of her. She was so desperate to the point that she bowed down, kissed the shoes of the apostate guard and begged him not to take her away and said to him: “I beg you, I am an Iraqi, so are you, why will you give me up to the Americans?” But the filthy Kafir did not pay attention to her screams. He and his comrades blindfolded her, tied her hands behind her back, and took her and threw her in the American vehicle which was waiting outside.

Baghdad, the heart bleeds for you…
As the cross worshipper wants your identity changed…
I cry for a pure girl who have been raped by a dog and two wolves
Kufr army came to invade you …
And the Arabs have bowed their head down in approval
And we cannot expect the mice to stand up and be counted
I keep wondering why the prominent amongst our people...
Get swayed away from truth by falsehood and idols...
How sad the heart become with no ladder
To take us to the high places meant for us...
And there is no captain to the ship…
Baghdad, do not wonder, the Arabs have perverted
And sins have become their way of life.
Baghdad, shed your tears, most people have perverted
While the war tool is Iman before the sword.

Where are those so called Ulama (scholars of Islam)? We only hear them when they attack the Mujahideen and when they shed tears for a slain or kidnapped Kafir. Where are they now? Where have they been every moment a sister is raped in Abu Ghraib or elsewhere?

O mother! We hear your scream and we are coming!

O sister! We hear your scream and we are coming!

We swear by Allah, we will not let up, we will not enjoy a drink or a meal, we will not enjoy a moment of sleep, and we will not put away our swords, until we take revenge for what the enemies of Allah have done to you.

And to you Bush, the dog of Rome, we swear by Allah, you will not enjoy rest or a resting place, your military will never enjoy his stay on our lands, as long as we still have one pulsating vein and a beating heart.

Bush, we are coming, we are coming, with the aid and Grace of Allah, we are coming!

O you lions of Tawheed on the land of the Two Rivers! I ask you in the name of Allah, if you get this message from me, do not let night fall on you before you make your swords drip with your enemy’s blood. Strike them as one strong man. No life is worth living while our sisters are being raped and our dignity is being violated, and our land is under the cross worshipper’s control.
Make “Abu Anas Al-Shami Expedition” a starting point and a good beginning of many more victories to come.

O you, the Martyrdom Seeker Brigade!

Get going, Allah is with you. Do not let them rest; attack every convoy, envoy, or column. Attack their check points, observation towers, and everyplace they are in. Change their night into day and their coolness into fire.

{And Allah has full power and control over His affairs; but most among mankind know it not.}, 12:21

Abu Mesaab Al-Zarqawi
Al-Qaida in the Land of the Two Rivers

Tape Release Date:
20 Rabi al-Awal 1426
April 29, 2005


{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.}
(Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is Allah (believes in His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites (men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I am one of the Muslims."} (Holy Quran-41:33)

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "By Allah, if Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of camels." [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim]

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, "Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all."
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah]

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