*Bangalore 15 & 16 February 2007*


*H*opefully India is on the threshold of unprecedented economic development
and military might.  The country is posting record economic growth and
titans of Indian business gobbling traditional European industrial
companies. With a booming sensex and the GDP growth poised to reach 8 or 9%
some hype is understandable.  There is boom everywhere. Shopping malls, golf
courses, luxury goods and overachieving entrepreneurs have become the new
icons of India shining.

*B*ut shopping malls do not a nation make.  While India accounts for close
to a third of the world's IT professionals it also home to a quarter of the
world's undernourished. The National Sample Survey Organization has
estimated that poverty in the country has declined by a mere 0.74% during
the 11 year period ended 2004-05.    This clearly shows that the income
disparities in the country are widening. The Human Development Index
published by UNDP reveals that India is doing relatively much less with its
income to improve human development.

People Marginalized

*T*he sizzling growth figures also hide extreme marginalization of a large
number of people including the Muslims, the Dalits, the tribals, the women
and some sections of the backward communities.  Sachar Committee report has
brought to the centre stage some of the unpalatable truths about Indian
Muslim situation.    Denied access to the national kitty they are
languishing on the margins of the urban and rural habitats.  Since
Independence they have faced well planned and well executed riots and lost
lives, limbs and property. The media have spread lies about the Muslim
community creating a deep sense of alienation and fear among them sapping
their creativity and desire to participate in nation building. **

*D*alits do not fare better. Every two hours a Dalit is assaulted, every day
three Dalit women raped, two Dalits murdered and two Dalit homes torched.
Human rights violations have become very common. Extra legal executions by
the police are glorified as efficient police work.

*T*he farmer suicides, the rise of militant groups in the various parts of
the country and the increase in the oppressive measures adopted by the state
are nothing but symptoms of the lopsided economic policies of the ruling
class. India usually comes to the top of the list of most corrupt
countries.  Fraud levels are considerably higher at 42 % against the global
level of 27%

*L*eftists, the so called the guardians of people's rights, have turned
right garnishing their neo-liberal policies with leftist terminology. The
upper castes hold all the levers of political and socio-economic power. In
the armed forces they are heavily represented in the officer class.  In the
media they control every thing.

*Stop the Neo-liberals *

*T*he neo-liberal policies of the govt. have ruined the traditional
industries and agriculture.   Over two thirds of Indians live in villages
and they are depending upon small scale agriculture.  The no-liberal
development models do not pay proper attention to the traditional arts and
crafts. Also it is afraid of people and wants only to skim the cream off the
milk.  The new maharajas do not represent India and the ruling upper caste
elite with the help of the loyal and subservient media do an excellent cover
up job.

*T*he economic aftermath of such policies are also reflected on the
environment. Indian paddies and wheat fields are known to be highly poisoned
due to the reckless use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides .Indian water
ways are highly polluted.

*O*n the political front the situation is hardly encouraging. We have been
able to develop a fairly supple political system and have enviable record of
holding elections on time.  However India democracy has also fallen victim
to the wheeler dealers working at national and state capitals.  People
with   no grass roots level support manipulate the system.  It is a common
place now that all the political parties send regularly  to the legislatures
people with criminal background.

*T*he rise of Hindutva fascism has also made deep inroads in to Indian
polity.  The social fissures created by industrialization and urbanisation
have helped the Hindutva forces to spread the tentacles to all spheres of
public life.   Still greater is the threat from neocolonial powers led by
the United States.  India's withdrawal from international anti-colonial
organizations and her rejection of ethical foreign policy positions show the
strength of the current nexus between India and the US.  Israel, the out law
state has already penetrated in to various departments of the Indian
security. Our defence spending has increased manifold due to ill conceived
security perceptions fuelled by pro-US lobby.

*I*t is high time that the people of India come forward and reverse the
broken socio-political and economic model that enriches the few, feeds
corruption, devastates many and contributes to the   general decline of the
country.  A   balanced, ethically sound, equitable and sustainable model is
to be developed.

*The Movement*

*P*opular Front of India is a platform for people's movements   working in
the Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu geared to find out alternative
development models which are people friendly and aims at equitable
distribution of the nation's resources.  Popular Front will strive for
freedom, security and justice for all the people of India irrespective of
their caste, creed or religion. It believes that any community should learn
to use their internal resources optimally as they fight for share of the
nation's resources due to them. It is also of the view that fascism is a
major threat to the county's integrity and neo-colonial powers work hand in
glove with such forces. It will mobilize people at the grass roots
well making them capable of political intervention and using the democratic
process to evolve an inclusive system. The front will propose counter-
affidavits to the official or established viewpoints. And will work as a
jealous guardian of human rights and civil liberties

*The Conference*

*P*opular Front is organizing the Empower India Conference on Thursday 15 &
Friday 16 of  Feb 2007 at Bangalore to highlight the basic objectives of the
Federation. Thousands of activists and common people are expected to reach
Bangalore on that day to join the march of history and to rally with people
determined to take control of their future.  **

*Conference Highlights*

*15 February 2007 *

  - *Dialogue Sessions on *

   - *Human Rights *
     - *Legal Defense *
     - *Reservation *
     - *edia Intervention *

  - *National Seminar on Empowerment in India *

*16 February 2007 *

  - *Rally and Public Meeting *


'Trust in God, but tie your camel first' - The Holy Prophet (pbuh)
'Knowledge is better than wealth, you have to look after your wealth,
knowledge looks after you' - Imam Ali
*** (O Controller of the hearts make my heart steadfast in Your religion).''

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