Rep. Ellison visits Islam's third-holiest site
, Associated Press

JERUSALEM  — Minnesota  Rep. Keith Ellison went to Islam's third-holiest site 
as part of his visit to Jerusalem Sunday. 

Ellison visited the Al-Aqsa  Mosque compound. He said he was there to learn and 
did not consider himself qualified to mediate in the Mideast conflict. 

Ellison is the first Muslim member of Congress. He said his religion is not an 
identity that separates him from people, but something that connects him to 

The Minnesota Democrat is visiting the Mideast as part of a delegation led by 
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

The tour has drawn criticism from the White House because of a planned stop in 
Syria, a country that the White House says has provided support to terrorists. 

Bismillah, FYI 
Peace,Curtis Sharif
Houston, Texas
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