Field Marshal Mohammad Ayub Khan’s Diary




Assalamu Alaikum.I have just finished reading the published(Oxford University 
Press)diaries of Field Marshal Ayub Khan, former President of Pakistan. The 
book covers the period from September 66 to November 72.He could not write 
diary before because of pre-occupations and after because of sickness, as the 
editor of the book Craig Baxter said .


Though the dairy contains many light things such as duck shooting, still it is 
an impotant document on politics of Pakistan, its active political figuires, 
the reasons for break-up of Pakistan into two parts. It appeared to me that the 
dairy contains his sincere views at the time and date he wrote his notes in his 
own hand .The book has been published  after 25 years of his death as he said 
to his family and as such his views on individuals , policies, foreign policy 
matters should be assessed in the setting of his time of writing.


After reading the book, I better understood the circumstances of break-up of 
Pakistan( please see the diary from January 69 to middle of 72).Ayub Khan 
reached the conclusion early in 69 that the demands of East Pakistani leaders 
would lead to partition and even loose confederation would not work. The 
demands if met would even dismember West Pakistan into four states.By the end 
of 1970 he reached the conclusion that one Pakistan has become impossible 
because of the conditions created by most important politicians and he 
privately thought that Pakistan Army should withdraw from Dhaka after reaching 
an arrangement with Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.

His views on Mr Zulfiqer Ali Bhutto, General Yahya and Sheikh Mujibur Rahman 
are extremely negative, they all, in his view, were hindrances for an 
acceptable and practical solution of the problem at hand at that time. Yahya 
and Bhutto complicated the matter most when India and others were looking for 
opportunity to disrupt the country.

This book also gives a good idea about the difficulties of conducting foreign 
policy for a non-super power country.

Shah Abdul Hannan

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