Assalaamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Dear Learned Brothers and Sister,


At a very young age we were taught the six pillars of faith (Emaan), the 6th
of which is to believe in the will of Allah (i.e. Qadak and Qadar). We often
ask our teachers who will often brush it aside saying, "These are matters of
Allah; thus do not ponder over these things". Children nowadays are more
inquisitive and ask questions like: "If everything is already written and
decreed, why then are we held accountable?" or: "Is it possible for someone
to do something that Allah has not decreed?" or: "If this is so, then how
can Allah punish us with hellfire?" or: "If I cannot do anything except what
has been decreed by Allah, is it fair to be held to account in the


We are being taught that Allah has given us the freedom of choice as long as
we live. 


Our teachers even quote from the Qur'an:


"But you will not will unless Allah wills. Indeed Allah is All-knowing,
All-wise." (76:30)


Addressing His Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Allah says:


"You cannot guide those you love, rather Allah guides those He wills."


Allah Al-Mighty also says:


"Allah leads astray anyone He wills and guides anyone He wills." (35:7)


"Allah certainly does not wrong people in any way. Rather it is people who
wrong themselves." (10:44)


Please advise how I can answer my teenaged children in a very comprehensive
and convincing way when posed the above questions.

Or could you refer me to any refernce material on the subject?




Best Regards & Wassalaam

Fadzil Mohd Taib


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