The Israeli apartheid regime finally agreed to exchange Israeli with
Lebanese and Palestinian prisoners.  This exchange could have been done
before the summer 2006 massacres of Lebanese civilians which Israel
launched claiming it is to liberate the two Israeli soldiers held by
Hezbollah.  This exchange shows the bankruptcy of the political and war
making Israeli regime. That summer an Israeli chief of staff called his
broker and sold his stocks an hour after getting out of a cabinet
meeting that decided to launch that offensive (in every sense of the
word) war.  In that summer, Israel dropped millions of cluster bombs
that are still killing and maiming Lebanese children today. That is the
war than both Obama and McCain supported and our government funded and
that is the war that now has been proven pointless.  Despite AIPAC and
its cronies in the media, that and many other truths remains clear to
all who want to see.  The overriding fact also remains that Zionism is
the main cause of wars and conflict throughout the region from
Palestine to Afghanistan.  Peace is possible and it must start with
ending US support for that apartheid regime and bringing peace to
Palestine (where Jews, Christians, Muslims and others are then allowed
to build a democratic country of all its people).  That is the real
road map to peace in Western Asia and indeed key to US economic

In todays message, you can skim through articles and video on Israel's
lobby role in wars, an article on the Palestine conference in Chicago
(I will be there), a refugee story (one of millions), news of the Green
Party... and/or you can go directly to action items.

Turning the Tables on the Israel-Firsters by Michael Scheuer (Former director 
of CIA's Bin Laden Unit)

Now that the dust has settled in the spat between journalist Joe Klein
and the ideologues at Commentary, it is time to regret the ink spilled
over the non-issue of "dual loyalties." The idea that there are U.S.
citizens who have equal loyalties to the United States and Israel is
passé. American Israel-firsters have long since dropped any pretense of
loyalty to the United States and its genuine national interests. 

Video: Bill Maher interviews Michael Scheuer

Former director of CIA's Bin Laden Unit interviewed on Real Time with
Bill Maher (09-21-2007). Includes a bonus shout out to Ron Paul, a
smackdown to US policies in the Middle East, and a heated discussion on
Israel. A little something for everyone.

Shell Games: Are They Really Oil Wars?

"Big Oil prefers peace and stability, not war and geopolitical
turbulence, in global energy markets... behind the drive to war and
military adventures in the Middle East lie some powerful special
interests (vested in war, militarism, and geopolitical concerns of
Israel) that use oil as an issue of “national interest” —as a façade or
pretext— in order to justify military adventures to derive high
dividends, both economic and geopolitical, from war."


US Palestinians plan for unity A historic conference in Chicago in
August 2008 is intended to serve as an open arena where individuals and
organisations coordinate and refine strategies, link efforts, plan
united actions, and inform one another and the community about their
work on behalf of Palestine

(A story worth reading from a 20 year old refugee on her visit to her
ethnically cleansed village) My New Birthday By Areej Ja'fari, Dheisheh
Refugee Camp, Palestine

"I laid down on one of the ruined walls of a house and kept watching
the blue, clear sky, at that moment I felt the sky was very close, I
wanted to hide in it to stay in Deir Rafat. I was breathing the air
again and again as if I could not have enough of it, the passing clouds
over Deir Rafat during that time was the first thing in common

between my village and I.....It's time to wake up from the real dream,
time to go back to Dheisheh Refugee Camp, which I like, but do not
belong to. Its time to face my family, they were all anxious to know
how home looked like, where exactly did I go. I couldn't reply more
than that it's the most beautiful place I have ever seen in my life."
More at

US Green Party Nominates Cynthia McKinney and Rosa Clemente for President and VP

Actions everywhere: 

Write to the media about the issues and your concern of their
(mis)coverage or lack of coverage of  critical issues of our time. 
Write to politicians, demonstrate at their events, challenge them…

Actions in the US: 

1) Write Los Angeles Mayor Villaraigosa [EMAIL PROTECTED] to object to his trip 
to the Zionist Apartheid regime

2) Monday, July 21st, 5:00-8:00 PM,

9th Street and Mass. Avenue NW, Across from DC Convention Center, Washington DC

Protest the right-wing Christians United for Israel Annual Conference,
and raise awareness about preventing war with Iran and the importance
of respecting world religions.

a coalition of peace and social justice groups wishing to foster
greater understanding between faith traditions and stopping an illegal
and immoral military strike on the nation of Iran will be protesting
outside the Christians United for Israel Conference at the DC
Convention Center.

3) Register and Vote

4) Conference in Michigan in September

Many churches, organizations and institutions in the Southeast Michigan
region are co-sponsoring  the Sabeel* Conference, "Peace Palestine and
US Policy 1948-2008", which will be held September 25-27, 2008 at the
First Presbyterian Church in Birmingham, Michigan, located at 1669 W.
Maple Road.

Peace in the Middle East is the most pressing issue of our time.  It
cannot be achieved without a just solution to the Israel-Palestine
issue.  A host of speakers including Ilan Pappe, one of Israel ’s
foremost historians, Pulitzer Prize winner Chris Hedges, authors Joel
Kovel, Susan Nathan, Naim Ateek, Anna Baltzer, Don Wagner and John
Quigley, will provide insights into the history and current status of
the issue, along with workshops for those looking for ways to
effectively serve peace through action. The cost for the three-day
conference will be $110 for early registrants and $50 for students. It
includes a reception, a banquet and two lunches.  Space is limited, so
register and/or get more information on line at 
Sabeel (The Voice of Palestinian Christians) is an ecumenical peace
organization founded by Episcopal Canon Naim Ateek.  It has offices in
Jerusalem and Nazareth as well as support groups in Europe, Canada, and
the US. Its Board of Directors includes Bishop Desmond Tutu.  You can
learn more about Sabeel at

(I was originally scheduled to speak at this conference but now I will be 
teaching in Palestine in the fall)

Mazin Qumsiyeh
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