From: ahmed_uddin
Subject: URGENT: Help NeededDate: Thu, 17 Jul 2008 17:52:31 +0100

Assalaam 'alaikum Brothers and Sisters

Please read email below from Br Luqman, any help of any form will be greatly 
appreciated. Currently his status is that he has been taken off the course from 
Sussex. If you want further information please contact me.

I leave you all with a small reminder firstly for myself and everyone:

At the core of Islamic message is empathy and compassion towards those who are 
less fortunate. The early Qur'anic revelations repeatedly stress the vital link 
between religion and acts of compassion. They even go as far as denying faith 
to those who are deprived of compassion towards the poor and the destitute:Have 
you seen the one who denies the Religion? Such is he who repulses the orphan, 
and who does not urge others to feed the poor. Woe to worshippers, who are 
absent-minded to their prayer, those who make a show (of piety), and refuse to 
render small acts of kindness (towards others). (Al-Ma`un 107: 1-7).


Ahmed Uddin

FOSIS South Chair
07931 103 639

Salam Brother Ahmed,This the account I said I was going to send to you.You can 
get more info on this link, Onikosi is a first year 
international student from Nigeria at the University of Sussex studying 
Economics & International Relations. His ambition to become an industrialist so 
that he can support his country and its people. Events in Luqman's life took a 
turn for the worst after his father's tragic death since which point Luqman has 
had the added responsibility of supporting his five siblings. Luqman applied 
for a student visa when his uncle managed to offer him sponsorship for his 
studies at Sussex. This process took six years to complete and Luqman 
eventually arrived at the University of Sussex in January 2007 to begin his 
studies.Shortly after, however, Luqman's sponsor passed away and because Luqman 
was not mentioned in the will the sponsor's family refused to honour their 
pledge of help and left Luqman without recourse to pay the £8,000 annual course 
fees.With the support from his tutors Luqman was allowed to complete the 
foundation year course and begin his degree. His students' union and a charity 
also managed to raise some money towards paying the extorbitent international 
student fees.Luqman is now appealling to the University of Sussex to exercise 
its discretion and in consideration of Luqman's extenuating circumstances to 
allow him to sit his Summer examinations. In the long term we are asking that 
the University takes into account both Luqman's exceptional contribution to 
Sussex, along with the university's duty to students from developing countries, 
and to either waive his fees entirely, or reduce the charges to those 
equivalent of a home student's fee.MasalamLuqman

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