Dear members,

Assalamu Alaikum.Please read this history.You can save it for future reference.

Shah Abdul Hannan
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Yaminul ISLAM 
To: Shah Abdul Hannan 
Sent: Saturday, August 30, 2008 2:20 AM
Subject: Fwd: Looking back at the war in Bosnia

Looking back at the war in Bosnia
Iqbal Siddiqui
During the early 1990s, the war in Bosnia dominated Muslim attention much as a 
war in Iraq has in the last few years, considering which it is perhaps 
surprising how little of the events of those years is known to many young 
Muslims today.

As Yugoslavia disintegrated after the death of Tito in 1980 and the collapse of 
communism in 1989, many Muslims were surprised to discover a Muslim community 
and country emerging from the wreckage.  In March 1991, however, Slobodan 
Milosevic and Franjo Tudjman, presidents of Serbia and Croatia and supposedly 
implaccable foes, met at a hunting lodge in Karadjordjevo and agreed a pact 
that led to massive bloodshed over the next few years: a pact for the 
extermination of Bosnian Muslims and the partition of Bosnia-Herzegovina 
between their two countries.  The Bosnia war was famously a three-way conflict 
in which Serbs, Croatians and Bosniaks – Muslim Bosnians – all fought each 
other, and later in the war Croats and Bosniaks co-operated against the Serbs; 
but the fundamental reality of the war, that it started as an attempt by Serbs 
and Croats together for the genocide of Muslims, should not be forgotten.

Nor should the fact that, in the early years of the war, the West deliberately 
stood back to allow them to complete the job; in the words of British foreign 
minister Douglas Hurd, assisting the Bosnians would only create a "level 
killing field".  (Hurd was later used by the British National Westminster Bank 
as a lobbyist to deal with Milosevic, raising  questions about their previous 
relationship.)  Despite the fact that the genocidal nature of the Serb war 
quickly became apparent, through the work of journalists such as Ed Vulliamy, 
for example, and the publication of pictures from the Omarska and Trnopolje 
concentration-camps, only Muslim countries and organisations offered the 
Bosnians any substantial support, a fact initially acknowledged by Bosnian 
leaders.  This support enabled the Bosnians to survive the early months of the 
conflict and forced the West to change the policy of non-intervention. This 
point is confirmed by a memo by Richard Holbrooke, then US special envoy on 
Bosnia, in January 1993, which stated: "I would therefore recommend 
consideration of something which I know will cause many people heartburn: that 
we allow covert arms supply to the Bosnian Muslims, so that Bosnia's outside 
support no longer comes solely from the Islamic nations" (quoted in Holbrooke's 
memoir, To End a War, 1998). 

The other major change in the dynamic of the war came as a result of European 
(particularly German) pressure on the Croatians.  Reacting to public anger at 
the genocide of the Bosnians, and widespread support for them, the Germans 
began to arm the Croatians and persuaded them to ally politically with the 
Bosnians against the Serbs in 1994, even as Croats inside Bosnia-Herzegovina 
were still fighting against Bosniaks and intending to join Croatia.  This was 
made easier by the fact that Serbs were fighting and committing atrocities 
against Croats as well as Bosniaks.  This made it possible for the Europeans to 
claim later to have supported the Bosnians against the Serbs, when in fact all 
they had done was to support the Croats against both the Bosnians and the 
Serbs, to ensure that the Bosnian resistance to the Serbs did not result in a 
strong Muslim state in Europe.  The dubious alliance between the Croats and 
Bosnians prevented the Bosnians from gaining the full reward for their 
resistance at the end of the war, with the Croats being given disproportionate 
influence in post-war Bosnia.

As the Bosnians fought for survival early in the war, and Muslims offered their 
only support, many Muslims hoped that Bosnia would emerge as an ally of the 
Islamic movement and a beacon of Islam in Europe.  At the time of the Bosnian 
conference organised by the Muslim Institute and the Muslim Parliament in 
London in 1993, at which Bosnian leaders met Islamic-movement figures from all 
over the world, this writer warned the leaders of the Muslim Institute and 
Parliament that this was an unrealistic expectation, and that the best that 
could be expected was a new Muslim nation-state which would be as pro-Western 
as any of the existing post-colonial nation states.  This is exactly what has 
since transpired; in 1998 Bosnian president Aliya Izzetbegovic – by then member 
of a three-man presidency operating under a foreign High Representative, as 
agreed at the Dayton Accords of December 1995 – caused anger among Muslims by 
disparaging the Muslim contribution to the Bosnian war effort at the OIC summit 
in Tehran.  His comments were understandable in the context of the failure of 
Muslim states, but failed to take into account the political realities of the 
Muslim world (particularly that most Muslim governments are authoritarian 
dictatorships that do not reflect their peoples' wishes) and the contribution 
of Muslim individuals and organisations. 

Muslim attention has since moved on to other Muslims suffering in other parts 
of the world; there is no shortage of those.  But the real lessons of Bosnia – 
of the fear of Islam in Europe, and the fact that the West was prepared to 
allow the genocide of Bosnian Muslims – should not be forgotten; the arrest and 
trial of Radovan Karadzic should not be allowed to enable the West to claim any 
credit for the survival of the Muslims of Bosnia.


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