"Some sociologists say Muslims are treated like pariahs in many places. Nobody 
knows this better than Vadodara-based scholar-activist J S Bandukwala. After he 
miraculously escaped a frenzied mob during the Gujarat riots of 2002, 
Bandukwala's university allotted him a government house in a block of four. 
“The moment I shifted there, all the occupants of the three houses in the block 
left. I felt as if I was an untouchable,” says Bandukwala, who has done a study 
on Juhapura, India's biggest Muslim ghetto with a population of over three 
lakh. "

Is there a Muslim mindset?
Mohammed Wajihuddin
Maulana Mahmoodul Hasan Qasmi comes from a family of freedom fighters. As a 
hakim (Unani doctor) and head of Anjuman Minhajul Rasool, a socio-religious 
organisation, he is highly respected in Mograpada, a Muslim ghetto in Andheri, 
Mumbai. In the small hours of September 1, roughly 50 plainclothes policemen, 
members of the Maharashtra Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS), came looking for Subhan 
Qureishi alias Tauqeer, the alleged mastermind of the serial bomb blasts in 
Ahmedabad and Delhi. The cops woke the maulana and began to interrogate him.

When the cleric denied all knowledge of Qureishi or Tauqeer, they dragged him 
like a common criminal to his bakery, a few minutes walk from his house. Qasmi 
was not allowed even to wear a pair of slippers and don his customary 
skull-cap. It was only later that a police search of the maulana's house 
yielded a photograph album showing the cleric with several senior Congress 
leaders, including Sonia Gandhi. The police realised he was probably 
well-connected. They left in a hurry, issuing dire warnings of hell to pay if 
Qasmi spoke out about the raid.

Though ATS Chief Hemant Karkare later apologised to the residents of Mograpada, 
especially its much respected cleric, the damage had been done. Random 
searches. Arbitrary arrests. Fake encounters. Muslims in India today live in 
fear. Fear of a state they think is becoming increasingly communal, and a media 
they regard as biased (except the Urdu press, also called the Muslim press).

“It is tough to be a Muslim today. The main concern is security,” says 
Mumbai-based activist and Islamic scholar Asghar Ali Engineer, who is currently 
travelling around the country. “Everywhere I go, I see how upset the Muslim 
intelligentsia is with the way the community is being treated.”

It is not hard to figure out why. It was Faiz Ahmed Faiz who described 
Independence after the pain of Partition with the memorable line: “ Yeh daagh 
daagh ujala, yeh shabguzida sehar/Woh intezar tha jiska, yeh woh sehar to nahi 
(This black-smeared light, this night-ridden morning/This is not the morning we 
had waited for).” Tragically, the darkness seems only to have spread over the 

Urdu-language columnist Hasan Kamal says, “Just after Independence, Muslims 
were afraid to keep Urdu books in their homes lest they were labelled Pakistani 
sympathisers. After the 1971 war, the community shook off the guilt it had been 
carrying from the days of Partition. Now Muslims are once again being made to 
feel guilty — this time they're seen as sympathetic to the bombers.”

What has made matters worse is that the community hasn't benefited from India's 
rapid economic progress. Just recently, the Rajinder Sachar Committee report 
reinforced a truth many of us knew: Muslims are worse off than most other 
Indians. According to the committee, the literacy rate among Muslims in 2001 
was 59.1%. This is far below the national average of 65.1%. The percentage of 
Muslim graduates from poor households going on to study further is lower than 
SCs/STs: 16% and 28% respectively. Shockingly, the only place where Muslims are 
“over-represented” is the country's prisons. In Maharashtra, the percentage of 
Muslim prisoners in all categories (17.5%) was way above their share of 
population (10.6%). In Gujarat, the ratio of Muslim population to jail inmates 
was 9 to 25.

“If the trend continues, we will have to soon build idgahs in jails,” says 
Pasha Patel, the BJP's lone Muslim MLC in Maharashtra, with ironic emphasis. 
But there is little sign that anything will change for the better. Most Muslims 
know the Sachar report is unlikely to be implemented in full. “The backward 
castes get reservations. Muslims get commissions,” commented a senior 
journalist in a recent column.

The cause of Muslim anger is not deprivation alone. It is also the sense of 
justice discriminating against them. “The conviction rate in Mumbai's 1993 
blasts was over 80%, while in the post-Babri demolition riots in the city it 
was not even 0.8%. Many police officers whom the Srikrishna Commission found 
guilty were promoted,” says Javed Anand, co-editor, Communalism Combat and 
general secretary, Muslims for Secular Democracy.

When the state discriminates against a section of its citizens, it prepares 
fertile ground for retaliation. The disaffected easily twist a sacred idea, say 
jihad in the case of the Indian Mujahideen, and tailor it to justify inhuman 
acts. This is why the Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI), which started 
life in the womb of the peaceable, almost dull, Jamaat-e-Islami Hind in the 
1970s, succeeded in exploiting many aggrieved Muslims' sense of insecurity. 
Playing up Muslim fears of being treated as the 'Other', SIMI radicalised a 
section of educated Muslim youth.

“ Hum yeh maan chuke hain ki hum do number ke shahri hain (We have now accepted 
that we are second-class citizens),” rues an otherwise moderate cleric, Maulana 
Zaheer Abbas Rizvi, secretary, All India Shia Muslim Personal Law Board. He 
says, “Intelligence agencies which are quick to discover the hand of Muslim 
terrorists after every blast don't show similar enthusiasm in investigating 
terrorist acts where Hindus are involved.”

It is obvious the agencies go soft when it comes to blast cases involving Hindu 
organisations. “In Nanded, in April 2006, two Bajrang Dal workers were killed 
while making crude bombs. A similar incident took place in Kanpur last month. 
Why haven't the authorities taken any action?” asks activist Ram Puniyani.

The sense of insecurity has further ghettoised the community. Ironically, these 
infrastructure-starved ghettos are labelled “mini-Pakistans”. Their residents 
don't get bank loans, a fact recognized by the Sachar report. Shabana Azmi may 
have sounded controversial and peevish when she recently revealed that she 
found it hard to buy a house in Mumbai with her husband Javed Akhtar because 
they were Muslims. But, ask any Muslim, and they will affirm it is true. 
Muslims do face discrimination when it comes to buying and renting houses in 
“Hindu” areas.

Some sociologists say Muslims are treated like pariahs in many places. Nobody 
knows this better than Vadodara-based scholar-activist J S Bandukwala. After he 
miraculously escaped a frenzied mob during the Gujarat riots of 2002, 
Bandukwala's university allotted him a government house in a block of four. 
“The moment I shifted there, all the occupants of the three houses in the block 
left. I felt as if I was an untouchable,” says Bandukwala, who has done a study 
on Juhapura, India's biggest Muslim ghetto with a population of over three lakh.

After the riots, Muslims from all over the city moved there. But despite the 
area boasting such a large number of potential customers, no bank wanted to 
open a branch in Juhapura. “After two Muslim MPs raised this question in 
Parliament following my appeal, Bank of India opened its branch there,” says 

Unfortunately, most Muslim ghettos across the country don't have crusaders like 


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