Barrack Obama in his first speech after his election-victory
has promised his daughters to get them a Puppy.
Indeed the White-house has seen many different pets
with each President , having his Dog along
or any other animal-pet .
The most famous Puppy was until recently , Tony Blair.
But Obama Family will have a hard choice to make
because until now , they have none ,
and also no preference even .
Of course the parents will choose this house-pet,
this new lap-dog , that true and loving companion.
My brother in law , Sherlock Hommos ,thinks it might be
either Husny Mubarak or preferably King Abdullah of Jordan
not to be confused with King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia
who is obviously too old and probably needs more attention
and a lot of civic education.
Nevertheless , there is a big choice of docile
and obedient puppies.......around
for example ,Baghdad is full of them !!
How about an Afghan from Kabul ?? Mr. Karzay
or even a Lebanese with an Italian name ?? Mr. Foufou Siniora !!
Anyhow , this is a promise Obama shall easily  keep
and the only problem is that the choice is big ......
My Cousin , Raja Chemayel thinks that it should rather be
that guy from Jordan.....because he is young and short
and speaks good-English and comes from a pedigree
that has prooven itself in loyalty and obedience.(to the west)
Abbas is also available , now that Olmert is leaving us.
Anyhow , let us wait and see ,
it could not be worse than Tony Blair
and a dog becoming a lap-dog, is no insult , to any dog.
Eng. Moustafa  Roosenbloom
Monday 17Th of November 2008


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