"This hostile approach of the state government towards the Muslim community is 
keeping the situation from getting completely normal. Had these things been 
done, people would have forgot their wounds"
7 years on, 50,000 riot victims still in relief camps in Gujarat

Submitted by admin4 on 16 February 2009 - 11:39pm.

By Mumtaz Alam Falahi, TwoCircles.net,
Even seven years after Gujarat 2002 pogrom, 50,000 people are in relief camps, 
state government is sitting on its share of compensation package, 650 religious 
places are awaiting restoration; so situation is far away from being completely 
normal, says Ahmedabad resident and director of Islami Relief Committee of 
Gujarat in an interview with Mumtaz Alam Falahi of TwoCircles.net.
How do you recall the Gujarat 2002 pogrom today after seven years?

By just recalling what happened in the communal riots in those days in Gujarat 
I get frightened. I and my Gandhian friends were very anxious. We wanted to 
help people but were helpless. Those were horrific days of lawlessness and 
mayhem – a nightmare better to forget. In Juhapura area in Ahmedabad 17 Muslims 
were killed and about 500 houses of Muslims were put on fire. A non-Muslim was 
also killed in that area. Juhapura is described as a Muslim ghetto and a mini 
Pakistan, yet the destruction there was one-sided.

The pogrom had vertically divided the society on communal lines. How are the 
present relations between Hindus and Muslims?
Situation is getting normal as in some matters human beings are bound to have 
interaction with each other. But what should have been done for complete 
normalization of the situation has not yet been done. Of 1.5 lakh people 
uprooted during the pogrom, around two-third are still not in position to 
return to their homes. About 50,000 people are still living in relief camps and 
there has been no proper arrangement for their rehabilitation. About 650 
religious places were destroyed or desecrated but the government has not done 
anything to restore them. The central government has given its share of the 
compensation package for the riot victims but the state government is silent 
about its share. This hostile approach of the state government towards the 
Muslim community is keeping the situation from getting completely normal. Had 
these things been done, people would have forgot their wounds.
How common Hindus and common Muslims take each other in common places like in 
buses or trains?
Not much hostile situation there. But fear still persists. Hindus and Muslims 
do not prefer to send their children in schools in each other’s areas. But 
Muslims have little options as they are forced to go to schools in Hindu areas. 
They fear while sending their girls to schools and colleges in those areas. 
Today the gap created between the two communities by the pogrom has got a 
little narrowed but the situation cannot be said completely normal.
It is said that most of those arrested in connection with Godhra train burning 
and POTA imposed on them are innocents but real perpetrators of the riot are 
still at large.
Godhra train burning incident was projected as a conspiracy and scores of 
Muslims were arrested only to justify the pogrom that followed the incident. 
Our Cell for Legal Help & Guidance, other NGOs, Human Rights Commission and 
Minority Commission have worked to prove that what was told by the government 
about Godhra train fire was not true. And we are hopeful that all the accused 
of the incident will be proved innocent and will be acquitted. On the other 
hand the policemen and politicians who were involved in the riot are being 
nabbed and sent to jail. But the state government is creating hurdles. First 
they made perpetrators as public prosecutors and helped the guilty and now when 
Supreme Court-appointed SIT wants to arrest some of the perpetrators the 
government is shielding them.
What are the Islami Relief Committee and other organizations doing for the 
families of Godhra train accused and others languishing in jail?
We are helping the families of Godhra train accused. We have also secured bail 
for 30-40 accused. We represented them in POTA Review Committee. Other groups 
like Action Aid are also coming up to help.
How much hopeful are you about justice?
Given the situation in India we cannot be fully sure of justice. We are making 
our best efforts and we have got some favorable verdicts from the Supreme 
Court. But even if, for example, the Godhra accused get acquittal after 
spending 7-8 years in jail, we cannot say they got justice. Because there is no 
system for the rehabilitation of those people who lost everything – families, 
homes and source of livelihood.

With Regards


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- Ali


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