Github user greghogan commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: docs/setup/ ---
    @@ -169,58 +169,111 @@ Default value is the `akka.ask.timeout`.
     These parameters configure the default HDFS used by Flink. Setups that do 
not specify a HDFS configuration have to specify the full path to HDFS files 
(`hdfs://address:port/path/to/files`) Files will also be written with default 
HDFS parameters (block size, replication factor).
     - `fs.hdfs.hadoopconf`: The absolute path to the Hadoop configuration 
directory. The system will look for the "core-site.xml" and "hdfs-site.xml" 
files in that directory (DEFAULT: null).
     - `fs.hdfs.hdfsdefault`: The absolute path of Hadoop's own configuration 
file "hdfs-default.xml" (DEFAULT: null).
     - `fs.hdfs.hdfssite`: The absolute path of Hadoop's own configuration file 
"hdfs-site.xml" (DEFAULT: null).
     ### JobManager & TaskManager
     The following parameters configure Flink's JobManager and TaskManagers.
     - `jobmanager.rpc.address`: The IP address of the JobManager, which is the 
master/coordinator of the distributed system (DEFAULT: **localhost**).
     - `jobmanager.rpc.port`: The port number of the JobManager (DEFAULT: 
     - `taskmanager.hostname`: The hostname of the network interface that the 
TaskManager binds to. By default, the TaskManager searches for network 
interfaces that can connect to the JobManager and other TaskManagers. This 
option can be used to define a hostname if that strategy fails for some reason. 
Because different TaskManagers need different values for this option, it 
usually is specified in an additional non-shared TaskManager-specific config 
     - `taskmanager.rpc.port`: The task manager's IPC port (DEFAULT: **0**, 
which lets the OS choose a free port).
     - ``: The task manager's port used for data exchange 
operations (DEFAULT: **0**, which lets the OS choose a free port).
     - `jobmanager.heap.mb`: JVM heap size (in megabytes) for the JobManager 
(DEFAULT: **256**).
     - `taskmanager.heap.mb`: JVM heap size (in megabytes) for the 
TaskManagers, which are the parallel workers of the system. In contrast to 
Hadoop, Flink runs operators (e.g., join, aggregate) and user-defined functions 
(e.g., Map, Reduce, CoGroup) inside the TaskManager (including 
sorting/hashing/caching), so this value should be as large as possible 
(DEFAULT: **512**). On YARN setups, this value is automatically configured to 
the size of the TaskManager's YARN container, minus a certain tolerance value.
     - `taskmanager.numberOfTaskSlots`: The number of parallel operator or user 
function instances that a single TaskManager can run (DEFAULT: **1**). If this 
value is larger than 1, a single TaskManager takes multiple instances of a 
function or operator. That way, the TaskManager can utilize multiple CPU cores, 
but at the same time, the available memory is divided between the different 
operator or function instances. This value is typically proportional to the 
number of physical CPU cores that the TaskManager's machine has (e.g., equal to 
the number of cores, or half the number of cores).
     - `taskmanager.tmp.dirs`: The directory for temporary files, or a list of 
directories separated by the systems directory delimiter (for example ':' 
(colon) on Linux/Unix). If multiple directories are specified, then the 
temporary files will be distributed across the directories in a round robin 
fashion. The I/O manager component will spawn one reading and one writing 
thread per directory. A directory may be listed multiple times to have the I/O 
manager use multiple threads for it (for example if it is physically stored on 
a very fast disc or RAID) (DEFAULT: **The system's tmp dir**).
     - ``: The number of buffers available 
to the network stack. This number determines how many streaming data exchange 
channels a TaskManager can have at the same time and how well buffered the 
channels are. If a job is rejected or you get a warning that the system has not 
enough buffers available, increase this value (DEFAULT: **2048**).
     - `taskmanager.memory.size`: The amount of memory (in megabytes) that the 
task manager reserves on the JVM's heap space for sorting, hash tables, and 
caching of intermediate results. If unspecified (-1), the memory manager will 
take a fixed ratio of the heap memory available to the JVM, as specified by 
`taskmanager.memory.fraction`. (DEFAULT: **-1**)
     - `taskmanager.memory.fraction`: The relative amount of memory that the 
task manager reserves for sorting, hash tables, and caching of intermediate 
results. For example, a value of 0.8 means that TaskManagers reserve 80% of the 
JVM's heap space for internal data buffers, leaving 20% of the JVM's heap space 
free for objects created by user-defined functions. (DEFAULT: **0.7**) This 
parameter is only evaluated, if `taskmanager.memory.size` is not set.
     - `taskmanager.debug.memory.startLogThread`: Causes the TaskManagers to 
periodically log memory and Garbage collection statistics. The statistics 
include current heap-, off-heap, and other memory pool utilization, as well as 
the time spent on garbage collection, by heap memory pool.
     - `taskmanager.debug.memory.logIntervalMs`: The interval (in milliseconds) 
in which the TaskManagers log the memory and garbage collection statistics. 
Only has an effect, if `taskmanager.debug.memory.startLogThread` is set to true.
     - `blob.fetch.retries`: The number of retries for the TaskManager to 
download BLOBs (such as JAR files) from the JobManager (DEFAULT: **50**).
     - `blob.fetch.num-concurrent`: The number concurrent BLOB fetches (such as 
JAR file downloads) that the JobManager serves (DEFAULT: **50**).
     - `blob.fetch.backlog`: The maximum number of queued BLOB fetches (such as 
JAR file downloads) that the JobManager allows (DEFAULT: **1000**).
    -- `task.cancellation-interval`: Time interval between two successive task 
cancellation attempts in milliseconds (DEFAULT: **30000**).
    +- `task.cancellation-interval`: Time interval between two successive task 
cancellation attempts in milliseconds (DEFAULT: **30000**).
     ### Distributed Coordination (via Akka)
     - `akka.ask.timeout`: Timeout used for all futures and blocking Akka 
calls. If Flink fails due to timeouts then you should try to increase this 
value. Timeouts can be caused by slow machines or a congested network. The 
timeout value requires a time-unit specifier (ms/s/min/h/d) (DEFAULT: **10 s**).
     - `akka.lookup.timeout`: Timeout used for the lookup of the JobManager. 
The timeout value has to contain a time-unit specifier (ms/s/min/h/d) (DEFAULT: 
**10 s**).
     - `akka.framesize`: Maximum size of messages which are sent between the 
JobManager and the TaskManagers. If Flink fails because messages exceed this 
limit, then you should increase it. The message size requires a size-unit 
specifier (DEFAULT: **10485760b**).
     - ``: Heartbeat interval for Akka's 
DeathWatch mechanism to detect dead TaskManagers. If TaskManagers are wrongly 
marked dead because of lost or delayed heartbeat messages, then you should 
increase this value. A thorough description of Akka's DeathWatch can be found 
 (DEFAULT: **akka.ask.timeout/10**).
     - ``: Acceptable heartbeat pause for Akka's 
DeathWatch mechanism. A low value does not allow a irregular heartbeat. A 
thorough description of Akka's DeathWatch can be found 
 (DEFAULT: **akka.ask.timeout**).
     - ``: Threshold for the DeathWatch failure detector. A 
low value is prone to false positives whereas a high value increases the time 
to detect a dead TaskManager. A thorough description of Akka's DeathWatch can 
be found 
 (DEFAULT: **12**).
     - `akka.transport.heartbeat.interval`: Heartbeat interval for Akka's 
transport failure detector. Since Flink uses TCP, the detector is not 
necessary. Therefore, the detector is disabled by setting the interval to a 
very high value. In case you should need the transport failure detector, set 
the interval to some reasonable value. The interval value requires a time-unit 
specifier (ms/s/min/h/d) (DEFAULT: **1000 s**).
     - `akka.transport.heartbeat.pause`: Acceptable heartbeat pause for Akka's 
transport failure detector. Since Flink uses TCP, the detector is not 
necessary. Therefore, the detector is disabled by setting the pause to a very 
high value. In case you should need the transport failure detector, set the 
pause to some reasonable value. The pause value requires a time-unit specifier 
(ms/s/min/h/d) (DEFAULT: **6000 s**).
     - `akka.transport.threshold`: Threshold for the transport failure 
detector. Since Flink uses TCP, the detector is not necessary and, thus, the 
threshold is set to a high value (DEFAULT: **300**).
     - `akka.tcp.timeout`: Timeout for all outbound connections. If you should 
experience problems with connecting to a TaskManager due to a slow network, you 
should increase this value (DEFAULT: **akka.ask.timeout**).
     - `akka.throughput`: Number of messages that are processed in a batch 
before returning the thread to the pool. Low values denote a fair scheduling 
whereas high values can increase the performance at the cost of unfairness 
(DEFAULT: **15**).
     - ``: Turns on the Akka's remote logging of 
events. Set this value to 'true' in case of debugging (DEFAULT: **false**).
     - `akka.startup-timeout`: Timeout after which the startup of a remote 
component is considered being failed (DEFAULT: **akka.ask.timeout**).
    +### Network communication (via Netty)
    +- ``: The number of Netty arenas (DEFAULT: 
    +- ``: The number of Netty server threads 
(DEFAULT: **taskmanager.numberOfTaskSlots**).
    +- ``: The number of Netty client threads 
(DEFAULT: **taskmanager.numberOfTaskSlots**).
    +- ``: The netty server connection backlog.
    +- ``: The Netty client connection 
timeout (DEFAULT: **120 seconds**).
    +- ``: The Netty send and receive 
buffer size.
    --- End diff --
    I think this is the Netty socket buffer size. Would it be worthwhile to 
note that recent Linux defaults to 4 MiB?

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