wuchong commented on code in PR #22734:
URL: https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/22734#discussion_r1248518654

@@ -0,0 +1,542 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.fusion.spec
+import org.apache.flink.table.data.RowData
+import org.apache.flink.table.data.binary.BinaryRowData
+import org.apache.flink.table.planner.codegen.{CodeGeneratorContext, 
GeneratedExpression, GenerateUtils}
+import org.apache.flink.table.planner.codegen.CodeGenUtils.{fieldIndices, 
newName, newNames, primitiveDefaultValue, primitiveTypeTermForType, BINARY_ROW, 
+import org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.fusion.{OpFusionCodegenSpecBase, 
OpFusionCodegenSpecGenerator, OpFusionContext}
+import org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.nodes.exec.spec.JoinSpec
+import org.apache.flink.table.planner.utils.JavaScalaConversionUtil.{toJava, 
+import org.apache.flink.table.runtime.hashtable.LongHybridHashTable
+import org.apache.flink.table.runtime.operators.join.{FlinkJoinType, 
+import org.apache.flink.table.runtime.typeutils.BinaryRowDataSerializer
+import org.apache.flink.table.runtime.util.RowIterator
+import org.apache.flink.table.types.logical.{LogicalType, RowType}
+import java.util
+/** Base operator fusion codegen spec for HashJoin. */
+class HashJoinFusionCodegenSpec(
+    operatorCtx: CodeGeneratorContext,
+    isBroadcast: Boolean,
+    leftIsBuild: Boolean,
+    joinSpec: JoinSpec,
+    estimatedLeftAvgRowSize: Int,
+    estimatedRightAvgRowSize: Int,
+    estimatedLeftRowCount: Long,
+    estimatedRightRowCount: Long,
+    compressionEnabled: Boolean,
+    compressionBlockSize: Int)
+  extends OpFusionCodegenSpecBase(operatorCtx) {
+  private lazy val joinType: FlinkJoinType = joinSpec.getJoinType
+  private lazy val hashJoinType: HashJoinType = HashJoinType.of(
+    leftIsBuild,
+    joinType.isLeftOuter,
+    joinType.isRightOuter,
+    joinType == FlinkJoinType.SEMI,
+    joinType == FlinkJoinType.ANTI)
+  private lazy val (buildKeys, probeKeys) = if (leftIsBuild) {
+    (joinSpec.getLeftKeys, joinSpec.getRightKeys)
+  } else {
+    (joinSpec.getRightKeys, joinSpec.getLeftKeys)
+  }
+  private lazy val (buildRowSize, buildRowCount) = if (leftIsBuild) {
+    (estimatedLeftAvgRowSize, estimatedLeftRowCount)
+  } else {
+    (estimatedRightAvgRowSize, estimatedRightRowCount)
+  }
+  private lazy val buildInputId = if (leftIsBuild) {
+    1
+  } else {
+    2
+  }
+  private lazy val Seq(buildToBinaryRow, probeToBinaryRow) =
+    newNames("buildToBinaryRow", "probeToBinaryRow")
+  private lazy val hashTableTerm: String = newName("hashTable")
+  private var buildInput: OpFusionCodegenSpecGenerator = _
+  private var probeInput: OpFusionCodegenSpecGenerator = _
+  private var buildType: RowType = _
+  private var probeType: RowType = _
+  private var keyType: RowType = _
+  override def setup(opFusionContext: OpFusionContext): Unit = {
+    super.setup(opFusionContext)
+    val inputs = toScala(fusionContext.getInputs)
+    assert(inputs.size == 2)
+    if (leftIsBuild) {
+      buildInput = inputs.head
+      probeInput = inputs(1)
+    } else {
+      buildInput = inputs(1)
+      probeInput = inputs.head
+    }
+    buildType = buildInput.getOutputType
+    probeType = probeInput.getOutputType
+    if (leftIsBuild) {
+      keyType = RowType.of(joinSpec.getLeftKeys.map(idx => 
buildType.getTypeAt(idx)): _*)
+    } else {
+      keyType = RowType.of(joinSpec.getLeftKeys.map(idx => 
probeType.getTypeAt(idx)): _*)
+    }
+  }
+  override def variablePrefix: String = if (isBroadcast) { "bhj" }
+  else { "shj" }
+  override protected def doProcessProduce(fusionCtx: CodeGeneratorContext): 
Unit = {
+    // call build side first, then call probe side
+    buildInput.processProduce(fusionCtx)
+    probeInput.processProduce(fusionCtx)
+  }
+  override protected def doEndInputProduce(fusionCtx: CodeGeneratorContext): 
Unit = {
+    // call build side first, then call probe side
+    buildInput.endInputProduce(fusionCtx)
+    probeInput.endInputProduce(fusionCtx)
+  }
+  override def doProcessConsume(
+      inputId: Int,
+      inputVars: util.List[GeneratedExpression],
+      row: GeneratedExpression): String = {
+    // only probe side will call the consumeProcess method to consume the 
output record
+    if (inputId == buildInputId) {
+      codegenBuild(toScala(inputVars), row)
+    } else {
+      codegenProbe(inputVars)
+    }
+  }
+  private def codegenBuild(
+      inputVars: Seq[GeneratedExpression],
+      row: GeneratedExpression): String = {
+    // initialize hash table related code
+    if (isBroadcast) {
+      codegenHashTable(false)
+    } else {
+      // TODO Shuffled HashJoin support build side spill to disk
+      codegenHashTable(true)
+    }
+    val (nullCheckBuildCode, nullCheckBuildTerm) = {
+      genAnyNullsInKeys(buildKeys, inputVars)
+    }
+    s"""
+       |$nullCheckBuildCode
+       |if (!$nullCheckBuildTerm) {
+       |  ${row.getCode}
+       |  $hashTableTerm.putBuildRow(($BINARY_ROW) ${row.resultTerm});
+       |}
+       """.stripMargin
+  }
+  private def codegenProbe(inputVars: util.List[GeneratedExpression]): String 
= {
+    hashJoinType match {
+      case HashJoinType.INNER =>
+        codegenInnerProbe(inputVars)
+      case HashJoinType.PROBE_OUTER => codegenProbeOuterProbe(inputVars)
+      case HashJoinType.SEMI => codegenSemiProbe(inputVars)
+      case HashJoinType.ANTI => codegenAntiProbe(inputVars)
+      case _ =>
+        throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
+          s"Operator fusion codegen doesn't support $hashJoinType now.")
+    }
+  }
+  private def codegenInnerProbe(inputVars: util.List[GeneratedExpression]): 
String = {
+    val (keyEv, anyNull) = genStreamSideJoinKey(probeKeys, inputVars)
+    val keyCode = keyEv.getCode
+    val (matched, checkCondition, buildLocalVars, buildVars) = 
+    val resultVars = if (leftIsBuild) {
+      buildVars ++ toScala(inputVars)
+    } else {
+      toScala(inputVars) ++ buildVars
+    }
+    val buildIterTerm = newName("buildIter")
+    s"""
+       |// generate join key for probe side
+       |$keyCode
+       |// find matches from hash table
+       |${classOf[RowIterator[_]].getCanonicalName} $buildIterTerm = $anyNull ?
+       |  null : $hashTableTerm.get(${keyEv.resultTerm});
+       |if ($buildIterTerm != null ) {
+       |  $buildLocalVars
+       |  while ($buildIterTerm.advanceNext()) {
+       |    $ROW_DATA $matched = $buildIterTerm.getRow();
+       |    $checkCondition {
+       |      ${fusionContext.processConsume(toJava(resultVars))}
+       |    }
+       |  }
+       |}
+           """.stripMargin
+  }
+  private def codegenProbeOuterProbe(inputVars: 
util.List[GeneratedExpression]): String = {
+    val (keyEv, anyNull) = genStreamSideJoinKey(probeKeys, inputVars)
+    val keyCode = keyEv.getCode
+    val matched = newName("buildRow")
+    // start new local variable
+    getOperatorCtx.startNewLocalVariableStatement(matched)
+    val buildVars = genInputVars(matched, buildType)
+    // filter the output via condition
+    val conditionPassed = newName("conditionPassed")
+    val checkCondition = if (joinSpec.getNonEquiCondition.isPresent) {
+      // here need bind the buildRow before generate build condition
+      if (buildInputId == 1) {
+        getExprCodeGenerator.bindInput(buildType, matched)
+      } else {
+        getExprCodeGenerator.bindSecondInput(buildType, matched)
+      }
+      // TODO evaluate the variables from probe and build side that used by 
condition in advance
+      // generate the expr code
+      val expr = 
+      s"""
+         |boolean $conditionPassed = true;
+         |if ($matched != null) {
+         |  ${expr.getCode}
+         |  $conditionPassed = !${expr.nullTerm} && ${expr.resultTerm};
+         |}
+       """.stripMargin
+    } else {
+      s"final boolean $conditionPassed = true;"
+    }
+    // generate the final result vars that need to consider the null for outer 
+    val buildResultVars = genProbeOuterBuildVars(matched, buildVars)
+    val resultVars = if (leftIsBuild) {
+      buildResultVars ++ toScala(inputVars)
+    } else {
+      toScala(inputVars) ++ buildResultVars
+    }
+    val buildIterTerm = newName("buildIter")
+    val found = newName("found")
+    val hasNext = newName("hasNext")
+    s"""
+       |// generate join key for probe side
+       |$keyCode
+       |
+       |boolean $found = false;
+       |boolean $hasNext = false;
+       |// find matches from hash table
+       |${classOf[RowIterator[_]].getCanonicalName} $buildIterTerm = $anyNull ?
+       |  null : $hashTableTerm.get(${keyEv.resultTerm});
+       |${getOperatorCtx.reuseLocalVariableCode(matched)}
+       |while (($buildIterTerm != null && ($hasNext = 
$buildIterTerm.advanceNext())) || !$found) {
+       |  $ROW_DATA $matched = $buildIterTerm != null && $hasNext ? 
$buildIterTerm.getRow() : null;
+       |  ${checkCondition.trim}
+       |  if ($conditionPassed) {
+       |    $found = true;
+       |    ${fusionContext.processConsume(toJava(resultVars))}
+       |  }
+       |}
+           """.stripMargin
+  }
+  private def codegenSemiProbe(inputVars: util.List[GeneratedExpression]): 
String = {
+    val (keyEv, anyNull) = genStreamSideJoinKey(probeKeys, inputVars)
+    val keyCode = keyEv.getCode
+    val (matched, checkCondition, buildLocalVars, _) = 
+    val buildIterTerm = newName("buildIter")
+    s"""
+       |// generate join key for probe side
+       |$keyCode
+       |// find matches from hash table
+       |${classOf[RowIterator[_]].getCanonicalName} $buildIterTerm = $anyNull ?
+       |  null : $hashTableTerm.get(${keyEv.resultTerm});
+       |if ($buildIterTerm != null ) {
+       |  $buildLocalVars
+       |  while ($buildIterTerm.advanceNext()) {
+       |    $ROW_DATA $matched = $buildIterTerm.getRow();
+       |    $checkCondition {
+       |      ${fusionContext.processConsume(inputVars)}
+       |      break;
+       |    }
+       |  }
+       |}
+           """.stripMargin
+  }
+  private def codegenAntiProbe(inputVars: util.List[GeneratedExpression]): 
String = {
+    val (keyEv, anyNull) = genStreamSideJoinKey(probeKeys, inputVars)
+    val keyCode = keyEv.getCode
+    val (matched, checkCondition, buildLocalVars, _) = 
+    val buildIterTerm = newName("buildIter")
+    val found = newName("found")
+    s"""
+       |// generate join key for probe side
+       |$keyCode
+       |boolean $found = false;
+       |// find matches from hash table
+       |${classOf[RowIterator[_]].getCanonicalName} $buildIterTerm = $anyNull ?
+       |  null : $hashTableTerm.get(${keyEv.resultTerm});
+       |if ($buildIterTerm != null ) {
+       |  $buildLocalVars
+       |  while ($buildIterTerm.advanceNext()) {
+       |    $ROW_DATA $matched = $buildIterTerm.getRow();
+       |    $checkCondition {
+       |      $found = true;
+       |      break;
+       |    }
+       |  }
+       |}
+       |
+       |if (!$found) {
+       |  ${fusionContext.processConsume(inputVars)}
+       |}
+           """.stripMargin
+  }
+  override def doEndInputConsume(inputId: Int): String = {
+    // If the hash table spill to disk during runtime, the probe endInput also 
need to
+    // consumeProcess to consume the spilled record
+    if (inputId == buildInputId) {
+      s"""
+         |LOG.info("Finish build phase.");
+         |$hashTableTerm.endBuild();
+       """.stripMargin
+    } else {
+      fusionContext.endInputConsume()
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Returns the code for generating join key for stream side, and expression 
of whether the key has
+   * any null in it or not.
+   */
+  protected def genStreamSideJoinKey(
+      probeKeyMapping: Array[Int],
+      inputVars: util.List[GeneratedExpression]): (GeneratedExpression, 
String) = {
+    // current only support one join key which is long type
+    if (probeKeyMapping.length == 1) {
+      // generate the join key as Long
+      val ev = inputVars.get(probeKeyMapping(0))
+      (ev, ev.nullTerm)
+    } else {
+      // generate the join key as BinaryRowData
+      throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
+        s"Operator fusion codegen doesn't support multiple join keys now.")
+    }
+  }
+  protected def genAnyNullsInKeys(
+      keyMapping: Array[Int],
+      input: Seq[GeneratedExpression]): (String, String) = {
+    val builder = new StringBuilder
+    val codeBuilder = new StringBuilder
+    val anyNullTerm = newName("anyNull")
+    keyMapping.foreach(
+      key => {
+        codeBuilder.append(input(key).getCode + "\n")
+        builder.append(s"$anyNullTerm |= ${input(key).nullTerm};")
+      })
+    (
+      s"""
+         |boolean $anyNullTerm = false;
+         |$codeBuilder
+         |$builder
+     """.stripMargin,
+      anyNullTerm)
+  }
+  protected def getJoinCondition(
+      buildType: RowType): (String, String, String, Seq[GeneratedExpression]) 
= {
+    val buildRow = newName("buildRow")
+    // here need bind the buildRow before generate build condition
+    if (buildInputId == 1) {
+      getExprCodeGenerator.bindInput(buildType, buildRow)
+    } else {
+      getExprCodeGenerator.bindSecondInput(buildType, buildRow)
+    }
+    getOperatorCtx.startNewLocalVariableStatement(buildRow)
+    val buildVars = genInputVars(buildRow, buildType)
+    val checkCondition = if (joinSpec.getNonEquiCondition.isPresent) {
+      // bind the build row name again
+      val expr = 
+      val skipRow = s"${expr.nullTerm} || !${expr.resultTerm}"
+      s"""
+         |// generate join condition
+         |${expr.getCode}
+         |if (!($skipRow))
+       """.stripMargin
+    } else {
+      ""
+    }
+    val buildLocalVars =
+      if (hashJoinType.leftSemiOrAnti() && 
!joinSpec.getNonEquiCondition.isPresent) {
+        ""
+      } else {
+        getOperatorCtx.reuseLocalVariableCode(buildRow)
+      }
+    (buildRow, checkCondition, buildLocalVars, buildVars)
+  }
+  /** Generates build side expr for outer join. */
+  protected def genProbeOuterBuildVars(
+      buildRow: String,
+      buildVars: Seq[GeneratedExpression]): Seq[GeneratedExpression] = {
+    buildVars.zipWithIndex.map {
+      case (expr, i) =>
+        val fieldType = buildType.getTypeAt(i)
+        val resultTypeTerm = primitiveTypeTermForType(fieldType)
+        val defaultValue = primitiveDefaultValue(fieldType)
+        val Seq(fieldTerm, nullTerm) =
+          getOperatorCtx.addReusableLocalVariables((resultTypeTerm, "field"), 
("boolean", "isNull"))
+        val code = s"""
+                      |$nullTerm = true;
+                      |$fieldTerm = $defaultValue;
+                      |if ($buildRow != null) {
+                      |  ${expr.getCode}
+                      |  $nullTerm = ${expr.nullTerm};
+                      |  $fieldTerm = ${expr.resultTerm};
+                      |}
+          """.stripMargin
+        GeneratedExpression(fieldTerm, nullTerm, code, fieldType)
+    }
+  }
+  /** Generates the input row variables expr. */
+  def genInputVars(inputRowTerm: String, inputType: RowType): 
Seq[GeneratedExpression] = {
+    val indices = fieldIndices(inputType)
+    val buildExprs = indices
+      .map(
+        index => GenerateUtils.generateFieldAccess(getOperatorCtx, inputType, 
inputRowTerm, index))
+      .toSeq
+    indices.foreach(
+      index =>
+        getOperatorCtx
+          .addReusableInputUnboxingExprs(inputRowTerm, index, 
+    buildExprs
+  }
+  override def usedInputVars(inputId: Int): util.Set[Integer] = {
+    if (inputId == buildInputId) {
+      val set: util.Set[Integer] = new util.HashSet[Integer]()
+      buildKeys.toStream.map(key => set.add(key))
+      set
+    } else {
+      super.usedInputVars(inputId)
+    }
+  }
+  override def getInputRowDataClass(inputId: Int): Class[_ <: RowData] = {
+    if (inputId == buildInputId) {
+      // To build side, we wrap it BinaryRowData
+      classOf[BinaryRowData]
+    } else {
+      super.getInputRowDataClass(inputId)
+    }
+  }
+  private def codegenHashTable(spillEnabled: Boolean): Unit = {

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