swamirishi commented on code in PR #7402:
URL: https://github.com/apache/ozone/pull/7402#discussion_r1848704439

@@ -276,7 +277,8 @@ private ContainerCommandResponseProto dispatchRequest(
-    if (getMissingContainerSet().contains(containerID)) {
+    if (cmdType != Type.CreateContainer && !HddsUtils.isReadOnly(msg)

Review Comment:
   We should allow writes to go through since we could be creating a RECOVERING 
container done by replication manager. As of date that is a problem. Once a 
container is marked missing we don't allow replication manager replicate the 
same container on the datanode. Consider we have only 5 nodes and we lost one 
replica because of volume failure now reconstruction will fail forever because 
the create container command fired would fail forever now.

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