Chiwaukee Academy is a week long staff development opportunity for all curricular areas and grade levels.  Attendees can earn up to 3 graduate credits.  The Academy is modeled after the Cray Academy in Chippewa Falls, WI and is affiliated with the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters state-wide staff development initiative.
The Academy will be held August 6-10, at UW-Parkside in Kenosha, Wisconsin. 
A sampling of the titles:  Technology integration for Art Education; Silver Burdette Summer Music Workshop; Computers for Cowards; Create your Own Web Page; Exploring the Internet and integrating it into the Classroom; Middle School Math Thematics-Challeneges and Opportunities 2001; So you want to be a mentor; Problem solving in an authentic environment; Phun with Phonics; Best instructional strategies for the science standard-based classroom; Globe-Wise, and much more.
Fees range from $350.00 (no credit) to $810.00 (3 credits)  (1st graduate credit is a bonus price of only $15.00)
Contact Carolyn Fenske, Chiwaukee Academy
Center for Community Partnerships
UW-Parkside, P.O. Box 2000
Kenosha, WI 53141-2000
Phone 262-595-3340
Fax 262-595-3342

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