from the U.S. Department of Education (published in the
     Federal Register) include those related to:

       *  Talent Search & Educational Opportunity Centers
          Programs -- CFDA#s 84.044 & 84.066

       *  Federal Student Financial Assistance Programs under Title
          IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965

       *  Rehabilitation Continuing Education Programs (RCEP) --
          CFDA# 84.264B

       *  Rehabilitation Training: Rehabilitation Long-Term
          Training -- CFDA# 84.129

       *  The Native Hawaiian Family-Based Education Centers
          Program -- CFDA# 84.209A

       *  The Cultural Partnerships for At-Risk Children & Youth
          Program -- CFDA# 84.351-B

     These & other notices can be found at:

     FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION about Department funding
     opportunities, including discretionary grant application
     packages, please see:

     BELOW ARE the purposes, eligible applicants, availability &
     closing dates, available funds, estimated size, & number of
     awards for these programs.  For more complete information &
     the contact individual for each opportunity, please see the
     notice; however, please note that while we *try* to ensure
     that the version on the web & the Federal Register notice are
     the same, the Federal Register notice is the one to consult
     for complete & authoritative information.

  Talent Search & Educational Opportunity Centers Programs (Federal
  Register: June 11, 2001 [CFDA#s 84.044 & 84.066])
Purpose of Programs: The Talent Search Program provides grants to
enable applicants to conduct projects designed to (1) identify
qualified youths with potential for education at the postsecondary
level, & encourage such youths to complete secondary school & to
undertake a program of postsecondary education; (2) publicize the
availability of student financial assistance available to persons
who pursue a program of postsecondary education; & (3) encourage
persons who have not completed programs of education at the
secondary or postsecondary level, but who have the ability to
complete such programs, to reenter such programs.
    Eligible Applicants: Institutions of higher education, public &
private agencies & organizations, combinations of institutions,
agencies, & organizations, &, in exceptional cases, secondary
schools if there are no other applicants capable of providing a
Talent Search or Educational Opportunity Centers project in the
proposed target area.
    Applications Available: August 1, 2001.
    Deadline for Transmittal of Applications: September 28, 2001,
Educational Opportunity Centers Program; October 19, 2001, Talent
    Estimated Available Funds: The Administration has requested
$125,532,000 for the Talent Search Program & $37,890,000 for the
Educational Opportunity Centers Program for FY 2002.  The actual
level of funding, if any, depends on final congressional action. 
However, we are inviting applications to allow enough time to
complete the grant process before the end of the fiscal year, if
Congress appropriates funds for these programs.
    Estimated Range of Awards: $190,000-$553,000 for year 1 of a
Talent Search project; $190,000-$953,000 for year 1 of an
Educational Opportunity Centers project.
    Estimated Average Size of Awards: $317,000 for the Talent
Search Program; $421,000 for the Educational Opportunity Centers
    Estimated Number of Awards: 396 for the Talent Search Program;
90 for the Educational Opportunity Centers Program.
    Technical Assistance Workshops: We will conduct 10 technical
assistance workshops for these programs.  At these workshops,
Department of Education staff will assist prospective applicants in
developing proposals & will provide budget information regarding
these programs.  The dates & sites for the technical assistance
workshops, which will be held in August, will be posted on the TRIO
Web site in June.  The TRIO Web site is:

    Additional Information: Applicable regulations, contacts, &
other information are available in the Federal Register notice.

Additional information is available online at:

  Federal Student Financial Assistance Programs under Title IV of
  the Higher Education Act of 1965 (Fed. Register: June 5, 2001 )
Summary: The Secretary of Education invites institutions of higher
education to propose new ways of administering the student
financial assistance programs authorized by Title IV of the Higher
Education Act of 1965, as amended (HEA).  Under section 487A(b) of
the HEA, if the Secretary approves an institution as an
experimental site as a part of this student aid reform initiative,
the institution may receive waivers from specific Title IV
statutory or regulatory requirements that would bias experimental
results.  The Secretary cannot waive provisions in the areas of
need analysis, award rules, & grant & loan maximum award amounts. 
However, the Secretary anticipates approving experiments in a wide
variety of other areas.
    Instructions for Submitting a Proposal: Elements to be included
in the proposal are described in this notice.  Proposals should be
submitted electronically by electronic mail or in hard copy to the
address below.  All proposals should clearly designate a contact
person, & the telephone number & the e-mail address of the contact
    Dates: Proposals may be submitted in response to this notice at
any time after June 4, 2001.

    Additional Information: Background, selection of participants,
review process, contacts, & other information are available in the
Federal Register notice.

Additional information is available online at:

  Rehabilitation Continuing Education Programs (RCEP) (Federal
  Register: June 6, 2001 [CFDA# 84.264B])
Purpose of Program: To support training centers that serve either a
Federal region or another geographical area & provide for a broad,
integrated sequence of training activities that focus on meeting
recurrent & common training needs of employed rehabilitation
personnel throughout a multi-State geographical area.
    Eligible Applicants: States & public or nonprofit agencies &
organizations, including Indian tribes & institutions of higher
education.  Applications under this notice are invited for the
provision of training for Department of Education Regions II, IV, &
X only.
    Applications Available: June 29, 2001.
    Deadline for Transmittal of Applications: August 31, 2001.
    Estimated Available Funds: The Administration has requested
$39,629,000 for the Rehabilitation Training Program for FY 2002, of
which an estimated $1,499,500 would be allocated for this
competition.  The actual level of funding, if any, depends on final
congressional action.  However, we are inviting applications to
allow enough time to complete the grant process if Congress
appropriates funds for this program.
    Estimated Range of Awards: $475,000-$500,000.
    Estimated Average Size of Awards: $499,000.
    Maximum Level of Awards by RSA Region: Region II, $500,000;
Region IV, $500,000; & Region X, $499,000
    Estimated Number of Awards: Region II, 1; Region IV, 1; &
Region X, 1

    Additional Information: Priorities, selection criteria,
contacts, & other information are available in the Federal Register

Additional information is available online at:

  Rehabilitation Training: Rehabilitation Long-Term Training
  (Fed Register: June 6, 2001 [CFDA#s 84.129A, 84.129C, & 84.129L])
Purpose of Program: The Rehabilitation Long-Term Training program 
provides financial assistance for -- (1) Projects that provide
basic or advanced training leading to an academic degree in areas
of personnel shortages in rehabilitation as identified by the
Assistant Secretary; (2) Projects that provide a specified series
of courses or program of study leading to award of a certificate in
areas of personnel shortages in rehabilitation as identified by the
Assistant Secretary; & (3) Projects that provide support for
medical residents enrolled in residency training programs in the
specialty of physical medicine & rehabilitation.
    Eligible Applicants: States & other public or nonprofit
agencies & organizations, including Indian tribes & institutions of
higher education.
    Applications Available: June 29, 2001.
    Deadline for Transmittal of Applications: August 31, 2001.
    Estimated Available Funds: The Administration has requested
$39,629,000 for the Rehabilitation Training Program for FY 2002, of
which an estimated $1,100,000 would be allocated for this
competition.  The actual level of funding, if any, depends on final
congressional action.  However, we are inviting applications to
allow enough time to complete the grant process if Congress
appropriates funds for this program.
    Estimated Range of Awards: $75,000 to $100,000.
    Estimated Average Size of Awards: $85,000.
    Estimated Number of Awards: 13.

    Additional Information: Applicable regulations, priority areas
(with maximum number of awards & amounts), priorities, selection
criteria, contacts, & other information are available in the
Federal Register notice.

Additional information is available online at:

  The Native Hawaiian Family-Based Education Centers Program
  (Federal Register: June 11, 2001 [CFDA# 84.209A])
Purpose of Program: To expand the operation, throughout the
Hawaiian Islands, of Family-Based Education Centers that include:
(1) Parent-infant programs for prenatal through three-year-olds;
(2) preschool programs for four- & five-year-olds; (3) continued
research & development; & (4) a long-term follow-up & assessment
program, which may include educational support services for Native
Hawaiian language immersion programs or transition to English
speaking programs.
    Eligible Applicants: Native Hawaiian educational organizations
or educational entities with experience in developing or operating
Native Hawaiian programs or programs of instruction conducted in
the Native Hawaiian language.
    Applications Available: June 11, 2001.
    Estimated Available Funds: $2.5 million.
    Estimated Range of Awards: $500,000 to $1.0 million.
    Estimated Number of Awards: 5.

    Additional Information: Applicable regulations, selection
criteria, contacts, & other information are available in the
Federal Register notice.

Additional information is available online at:

  The Cultural Partnerships for At-Risk Children & Youth Program
  (Federal Register: June 12, 2001 [CFDA# 84.351-B])
Purpose of Program: The Cultural Partnerships for At-Risk Children
& Youth Program, funded under Subpart 2 of Part D of Title X of the
Elementary & Secondary Education Act (ESEA), makes demonstration
grants to eligible entities for the development of school-community
partnership programs designed to improve the educational
performance & future educational potential of at-risk children by
providing comprehensive, coordinated educational & arts programs &
    Eligible Applicants: A local educational agency (LEA), acting
on behalf of an individual school or schools in which 75 percent or
more of the children enrolled in such school(s) are from low-income
families based on data used in determining a school's eligibility
to operate a schoolwide program pursuant to Title I Section 1114 of
the ESEA, in partnership with at least one: institution of higher
education, museum, local arts agency, or cultural entity that is
accessible to individuals within the school district of such
school(s) & that has a history of providing quality services to the
community.  Such entities may include: (i) Nonprofit institutions
of higher education, museums, libraries, performing, presenting &
exhibiting arts organizations, literary arts organizations, State &
local arts organizations, cultural institutions, & zoological &
botanical organizations; or (ii) private for-profit entities with a
history of training children & youth in the arts.  To be eligible,
such partnerships shall serve: (1) Students enrolled in schools
participating or eligible to participate in a schoolwide program
under ESEA Title I Section 1114 &, to the extent practicable, the
families of such students; (2) out-of-school children & youth at
risk of disadvantages resulting from teenage parenting, substance
abuse, recent migration, disability, limited English proficiency,
illiteracy, being the child of a teenage parent, living in a single
parent household, or dropping out of school; or (3) any combination
of in-school & out-of-school at-risk children & youth.  Any school
or schools to be served through grants received under this program
must submit evidence for inclusion in the grant application to the
Secretary demonstrating that the school or schools meet the poverty
criteria described above.  Applicants may submit records kept for
the purpose of ESEA Title I that provide proof of eligibility for
each school to be served or to participate in the partnership.
    Note: The LEA must serve as the fiscal agent for the program.
    Applications Available: June 12, 2001.
    Applications Must be Received By: July 27, 2001.
    Available Funds: Approximately $2,000,000.
    Estimated Number of Awards: 7-10.
    Estimated Size of Awards: $100,000-$250,000.
    Average Size of Awards: $200,000.
    Matching Requirement: Recipients of grants under this program
must share in the cost of the activities assisted under the grant. 
Grant recipients must make available non-Federal contributions, as
authorized under Section 10414 of the program statute, in cash or
in-kind in the following percentage: 20 percent of the cost of
carrying out project activities for the project period.  Applicant
in-kind resources must be described as required in Sections B & C
of the ED Form 524 Non-Construction Programs found within the
application package.

    Additional Information: Applicable regulations, requirements,
selection criteria, contacts, & other information are available in
the Federal Register notice.

Additional information is available online at:

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