Hi guys,

First of all I've been using iText for just one day now so please bear with
me (even if you don't have to).
So I was handed a bunch of scanned PDF files (PDF 1.6) and asked to create
dynamic watermarks. I was required to use ColdFusion. I played around with
CFPDF but it was a little bit difficult to get exactly what I wanted. So I
downloaded iText and started working on it through CF's Java Proxy.
I managed to create the watermark and all but there's this weird thing going
on: the first page of each document (each one has 13), when printed, gets
this weird watermark effect: it's possible to see the watermark "squared"
area and the content bellow that area can only be seen where there are
letters. That is, if the watermark was to be "TEST", the squared area where
TEST would be framed is opaque and the content bellow the watermark can only
be seen inside the body of each letter of the TEST word, like a mask. That
doesn't happen in any of the following pages, where the watermark is working

This is my code:

    fullPathToInputFile = ExpandPath("filein.pdf");
    fullPathToOutputFile = ExpandPath("fileout.pdf");
    savedErrorMessage = "";
    loadPaths = ArrayNew(1);
    loadPaths[1] = expandPath("iText-2.0.8.jar");

    javaLoader = createObject("component", "javaloader.JavaLoader

        pdfReader = javaLoader.create("com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfReader
        totalPages = pdfReader.getNumberOfPages();

        outStream = createObject("java", "java.io.FileOutputStream
        pdfStamper =

        // criação de objectos do ficheiro
        BaseFont = javaLoader.create("com.lowagie.text.pdf.BaseFont");
        bf = BaseFont.createFont(BaseFont.HELVETICA, BaseFont.WINANSI,
        Element = javaLoader.create("com.lowagie.text.Element");
        PageSize = javaLoader.create("com.lowagie.text.PageSize");
        color = createObject("java", "java.awt.Color");
        cor = color.init(javacast("int", 0), javacast("int", 255),
javacast("int", 0));

        watermark_gstate = javaLoader.create("com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfGState

        // adiciona watermark
        i = 0;
        while (i LT totalPages) {
            i = i + 1;
            // posiciona watermark por cima do conteúdo actual
            over = pdfStamper.getOverContent( javacast("int", i) );
            over.setFontAndSize(bf, javacast("float", 18) );
            over.setTextMatrix( javacast("float", 30), javacast("float", 30)
            over.setFontAndSize(bf, javacast("float", 32) );
            over.showTextAligned(Element.ALIGN_LEFT, javacast("string",
"ORDER NR. 000000"),
                    javacast("float", 170),
                    javacast("float", 690),
                    javacast("float", 0) );


Sorry if this is a very simple question but my lack of experience using
iText doesn't allow me to figure this one out.

Thanks in advance
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