On 1/15/18, 5:41 PM, "Will Herrmann" <wjherrm...@gmail.com> wrote:

> It’s necessary to get my employer on file even if I’m not doing it on company 
> time?

That depends on the jurisdiction, I couldn't answer that for you. Most US 
states are, I think, work for hire, meaning your employer owns anything you do 
that is remotely related to your work, regardless of whether you do it on their 
time. Yes, really. Ohio is, for example, so my employer owns essentially 
everything I do, and I do my Apache work under a contract with a third party 
that stipulates that the third party can license what I do for them. So the CLA 
was signed by that third party. I cannot do one myself, because I'd be lying.

> Also, in my case, I both have an employer and am self-employed (side job). 
> How does that work?

Doesn't change the essential issue of whether your employer gets a say.

-- Scott

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