Dnia 26-10-2007, Pt o godzinie 11:41 -0700, Mark Doliner pisze:
> > User definitely cannot keep any data outside $HOME.
> True, but in that case they could always edit the config files after building.

But it's not about config files, but about "make install".

> I think it makes more sense for the default value to be appropriate for a 
> system-wide installation rather than for a user's home directory.

I think the default values should be appropriate for /usr/local
installation. For the ones doing:
./configure && make && make install

> I don't think files that change should be put in /opt.  The FHS describes a 
> /var/opt directory and says, "Package files that are variable (change in 
> normal operation) must be installed in /var/opt."

I didn't ever seen an app that does that. All I have seen just keeps
everything in app-dir in /opt/application-name.

> > yes it's very reasonable to put pid files in /var/run or /var/run/jabber
> And that isn't currently possible.  Even with a prefix of "/" the pidfile is 
> set to /var/jabberd/pid/component.pid

Oh it is... You just edit the config files.

If your localstatedir is not under prefix, you need to set it explicitly
with --localstatedir option to configure.
And then the structure is:
localstatedir/application/its-data - like log, pid, db, etc.
This way many applications can keep it's state data in localstetedir not
mixing them.

> But if the prefix is "/usr" then @localstatedir@ is set to "/usr/var"

Default prefix is "/usr/local" and "/usr/local/var" is a sane

If you set other prefix, you need to set localstatedir to a sane value
too if default "$PREFIX/var" is not good for you.

> (seems like autoconf and the FHS don't quite agree with each other)

Good observation.
But do remember that autoconf is not only for POSIX, but for Windows,
for vendor specific unix tastes, for *BSDs, for OS/400 and many other
exotic architectures.

We currently create the following structure under localstatedir:
`- jabberd/
   +- pid/
   +- log/
   +- stats/
   `- db/

It keeps a good level of isolation. It's a good, reasonable-default. I'm
afraid that changing it could bring objections from users that got used
to it.

I personally use Linux systems only. But I try hard to be openminded for
other architectures and make things easy for anyone.

Ergo: I don't feel good with changing the default localstatedir
structure to:
+- run/
|  `- jabberd/
+- log/
|  `- jabberd/
+- state/
|  `- jabberd/
|     `- stats/
`- spool/
   `- jabberd/
      `- db/

to make it easier to move localstatedir to /var on Linux/Unix machines.
It would certainly make things harder for the /opt, /home and similar

  /\_./o__ Tomasz Sterna
 (/^/(_^^'  Xiaoka.com

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