Thats what I was thinking(but that could become quite resource heavy
depending in the number of IPs/domains you want to cater for?). But then how
can you direct certain IPs to use certain s2s processes? If IP how
could you direct it to the corresponding s2s? Somwhere in router.xml?

Thanks for you help,

On Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 8:16 PM, Tomasz Sterna <> wrote:

> Dnia 2009-12-03, czw o godzinie 16:10 +0000, Wayne Mac Adams pisze:
> > I haven't(yet) come accross how to do it, could you possibly give a
> > brief explanation or point me to some documentation that shows how/an
> > example?
> jabberd2 is a bunch of cooperating processes:
> c2s    - accepts user connections and authenticates users
> sm     - handles jabberd domain services
> s2s    - handles inter-domain connections (connects other servers)
> router - binds the above processes together
> You may run several c2s processes with different configuration files:
> /usr/sbin/c2s -c /etc/jabberd2/c2s-domain1.xml
> /usr/sbin/c2s -c /etc/jabberd2/c2s/domain2.xml
> etc.
> all connected to the same router process.
> Similarly for sm and s2s processes.
> --
> Tomasz Sterna
> Instant Messaging & EDI Consultant
> Open Source Developer
> --
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