Hello folks,

We have a use case where we are trying to convert the JSON field value with 
lower capitalization to an enum with its name capitalized. 

Consider the following example:
Input string:
    "id": "1",
    "status": "joined"

and the POJO class:
public class Member {
    String id;
    MemberStatus status;

public enum MemberStatus {

With this use case in mind, we opt-ed to annotate the *status* field of 
*Member* class with 

However, we find out instead of ACCEPT_CASE_INSENSITIVE_VALUES, the 
ACCEPT_CASE_INSENSITIVE_PROPERTIES format is the one that sets the 
*of *EnumDeserializer* to true. 

Based on the documentation, the ACCEPT_CASE_INSENSITIVE_PROPERTIES should 
"allows case-insensitive matching of property names (but NOT values, see 
that)." But the behavior seems to be the totally opposite of what's being 
described in the documentation.

Am I missing something here?

Thank you

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