
Attached is a zipfile - ScriptedPatches.zip - containing patches for two new
James classes...


...that give James the ability for Matchers and Mailets to be written in any
scripting language supported by BSF - Bean Scripting Framework, such as
JavaScript, Jython, JACL and many more.

These classes have been tested succesfully with James 2 and 3 builds and
work with either without change.

The Javadoc for each class explains how to use them.

Known Limitations:

1) The final IBM release of BSF, v2.2 is used as the Apache 2.3 version is
not yet stable.
2) NetRexx doesn't work, apparently due to a class loader issue which is
still under investigation. Not considered a sufficiently serious limitation
to delay submission.
3) Yet to be discovered "features".

Any questions, just ask.

-- Steve

Attachment: ScriptedPatches.zip
Description: Zip compressed data

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