Argh! Submitted wrong version. A known limitation is that beans will not
undeclare cleanly.

Sorry, I will resubmit ASAP.

-- Steve

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Steve Brewin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 24 June 2003 21:30
> To: James Developers List (E-mail)
> Subject: [PATCH] Scripted Matcher & Mailet Classes
> Hi,
> Attached is a zipfile - - containing
> patches for two new
> James classes...
> org.apache.james.transport.matchers.ScriptedMatcher
> org.apache.james.transport.mailets.ScriptedMailet
> ...that give James the ability for Matchers and Mailets to be
> written in any
> scripting language supported by BSF - Bean Scripting
> Framework, such as
> JavaScript, Jython, JACL and many more.
> These classes have been tested succesfully with James 2 and 3
> builds and
> work with either without change.
> The Javadoc for each class explains how to use them.
> Known Limitations:
> 1) The final IBM release of BSF, v2.2 is used as the Apache
> 2.3 version is
> not yet stable.
> 2) NetRexx doesn't work, apparently due to a class loader
> issue which is
> still under investigation. Not considered a sufficiently
> serious limitation
> to delay submission.
> 3) Yet to be discovered "features".
> Any questions, just ask.
> -- Steve

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