I have got an error notification email with the following reason:

"Error message below:
Embedded configuration exception was: No attribute named "onMailetException"
is associated with the configuration element "mailet" at

(Interestingly I cannot find this message in the log, which may indicate
another problem.)

Looking at the source of MailetConfigImpl and the javadoc of the avalon
Configuration class it turns out that the avalon class throws an exception
if the attribute is not supplied. (On the other hand it has another method,
which has a default value parameter, that doesn't throw an exception). The
javadoc on MailetConfigImpl getInitAttribute doesn't specify its behaviour
if the attribute is not supplied. Actually it throws a RuntimeException. I
am not sure what was to original intent, but the it should be decided and
documented. (I can submit a patch if it is decided.)

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