BEFORE YOU POST, search the faq at <http://java.apache.org/faq/>
WHEN YOU POST, include all relevant version numbers, log files,
and configuration files.  Don't make us guess your problem!!!

I am sure this is FAQ but i am just not able to find the right awnser

my config:
linux redhat 6.0
apache 1.3.12
(both files are tar files-the rpm did not work)

I have followed the instruction as per the INSTALL,the usual configure,make
make install
but whenever i start httpd i get these errors in the logs.Also when i do a
httpd -l ,the list does not show mod_jserv module.Can any one give me a hint

[15/12/2000 19:49:41:518] (ERROR) wrapper: printing debugging information
(command line, env)
[15/12/2000 19:49:41:518] (ERROR) wrapper: argument[ 0]
[15/12/2000 19:49:41:518] (ERROR) wrapper: argument[ 1]
[15/12/2000 19:49:41:518] (ERROR) wrapper: argument[ 2]
[15/12/2000 19:49:41:518] (ERROR) wrapper: environment[ 0]
[15/12/2000 19:49:41:518] (ERROR) wrapper: environment[ 1]

Thanx in advance

Mithi.com Pvt. Ltd.
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