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Hi to Everybody: 
Let me discribe the enviroment where I am working: 

SCO OpenServer(TM) Release 5 (From Compaq)
System = SCO_SV 
Release = 3.2v5.0.5 
KernelID = 98/07/02 
Machine = i80386 
BusType = ISA 
NumCPU = 1 

Apache Version:

and Jserv version:

JSDK version:


And I used the default configuration in every file, I
just add one line at the end of httpd.conf file and
Include /path/to/jserv/etc/jserv.conf

I try to be very carefull about the paths to the JVM
and to every stuff when I compile jserv and apache.
Now I give you the way I compile both:

For Jserv:
./configure \
--prefix=$PREFIX \
--with-apache-src=$APACHE_SRC \
--with-JSDK=/usr/local/JSDK2.0/jsdk.jar \
--disable-debugging ;      
make install                          

for apache:
 ./configure \
 --prefix=/path/to/apache/binary/apache \
 make install;
This is what I found:
When I install everithing for the first time
it work fine, but every when I restart the web server
again the JVM it don't work ever again. Only until al
remove this directories:

and reinstall jserv or only copy a previous copy of
this directories before (I make a copy of this
directories before I start apache web server for the
first time) I restart the web server again, and then
the JVM is running again.

I did check with netstat if the port 8007 it was taken
at the moment I start the web server but it wasn't, I 
also check for any process before I restart the web 
server and it was any.

Thank's in advance:
Humberto Garcia

I am sorry , I hope I did explain my self,
I apologize for my poor english.


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