BEFORE YOU POST, search the faq at <http://java.apache.org/faq/>
WHEN YOU POST, include all relevant version numbers, log files,
and configuration files.  Don't make us guess your problem!!!

Look ok! can you send the jserv.properties, jserv.conf and the
zone.properties to??

-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: Parker, Mark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Skickat: den 19 december 2000 16:13
Till: 'Java Apache Users'
Ämne: RE: jserv and Virtual Servers

BEFORE YOU POST, search the faq at <http://java.apache.org/faq/>
WHEN YOU POST, include all relevant version numbers, log files,
and configuration files.  Don't make us guess your problem!!!

Here is the problem virtual-servers' virutalhost config.

    ServerName promo
    ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    DocumentRoot /htdocs/promo
    <Directory "/htdocs/promo">
      Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
      AllowOverride None
      Order allow,deny
      Allow from all
    ErrorLog /logs/promo-error_log
    CustomLog /logs/promo-access_log common

One thing I left out previously was that in troubleshooting this I have
created a link between the two directories, and the jsp file load up fine
when I have this link in place to 'fool' it.

Many Thanks

Mark Parker

-----Original Message-----
From: Rikard Westlund [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 19 December 2000 15:03
To: 'Java Apache Users'
Subject: SV: jserv and Virtual Servers

BEFORE YOU POST, search the faq at <http://java.apache.org/faq/>
WHEN YOU POST, include all relevant version numbers, log files,
and configuration files.  Don't make us guess your problem!!!

Hi Mark!

Show me your virtualhost config, are your zones Ok!


-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: Parker, Mark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Skickat: den 19 december 2000 15:41
Ämne: jserv and Virtual Servers

BEFORE YOU POST, search the faq at <http://java.apache.org/faq/>
WHEN YOU POST, include all relevant version numbers, log files,
and configuration files.  Don't make us guess your problem!!!


At present we have a apache-jserv server with two virtual servers.  The
first virtual server (admin) has the same document root as the default
server (/htdocs/admin), and is running fine. The second virtual server
(promo) has a different document root (/htdocs/promo), and has no problems
displaying standard html pages from that directory structure, however when
we attempt to run any .jsp file from the directory we receive an error :

JSP Error:
Request URI:/page1.jspRI:/page1.jsp
javax.servlet.ServletException: java.io.FileNotFoundException:

Note the file not found error points to the first virtual servers (admin)
directory and not the second virtual servers directory. Html files are
served successfully from this second virtual server, however a request for
any .jsp file (whether it exists or not) generates the same error as above.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
The software versions are Apache 1.3.12 , Solaris 7 , Jserv 1.1
Many Thanks

Mark Parker

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