On Feb 20, 2009, at 6:56 AM, Grant Ingersoll wrote:
Isn't that what http://wiki.apache.org/lucene-java/Resources is for? I like LIA as much as the next person, but if we do it for LIA2 then it opens the door for others (http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_gw?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=Lucene&x=0&y=0 ) which will likely clutter the page quite a bit.

There is precedent. Other books do make it to Apache sites. iBatis has the Manning cover in the lower-left sidebar: <http://ibatis.apache.org/ >. Wicket has three big book covers: <http://wicket.apache.org/>. Struts more subtly: <http://struts.apache.org/>. ActiveMQ has a news blurb with big book cover: <http://activemq.apache.org/>

As for other books making it there... that'd be fine by me to have a few book covers shown on the home page. I imagine we won't hear other authors even asking.

I just don't think we can imply that LIA2 is the "official book on Lucene".

It's the only book dedicated exclusively to Lucene that I'm aware of, and all of the co-authors are committers/PMC members and active members of the community. It's about as "official" as it gets.

Books on open source projects lend a great deal of credibility and I've seen first hand that they are used as deciding factors when choosing a technology. A book means it is mature and has a good following.

Personal bias noted - I support putting it on the home page, and also news blurbs when there is activity, like when it goes to print and is available in hardcopy.


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