On Tue, May 1, 2012 at 5:35 PM, Andreas Veithen
<andreas.veit...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 20:54, Shameera Rathnayaka
> <shameerai...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Matthias,
>>> org.apache.axis2.json.AbstractJSONOMBuilder line 111
>>>         /*
>>>         Now we have to read the localname and prefix from the input stream
>>>         if there is not prefix, message starts like {"foo":
>>>         if there is a prefix, message starts like {"prefix:foo":
>>>          */
>>>                                         :
>>>             //if the part we read ends with ", there is no prefix,
>>> otherwise it has a prefix
>>>                                         :
>>>                     prefix = localName.substring(1, localName.length()) +
>>> ":";
>>>                                       :
>>> What are these prefixes used for (separated by colon) if they have nothing
>>> to do with namespaces?
>>> Are they part of some JSON format?
>> Yes, This is for handle namespaces in badgerfish convention. where it
>> separate prefix and localname by a ':' colon.
>>> And finally, is there a "fundamental" reason why:
>>>         “Mapped” formatted JSON with namespaces are not supported in Axis2
>> Axis2 uses Axiom as XML info-set representation for SOAP messages. That
>> means, to process the request it should have clear XML info-set with it. It
>> is not possible to know the namespace mappings used on one side of the
>> transport to the other side when we use mapped convention.
> Actually this may be much simpler to implement than we thought. I
> modified the code so that it now uses the new feature introduced by
> AXIOM-399. This means that the OMDataSource is expanded when the name
> of the element is first requested. I would expect that this occurs in
> the code that dispatches to the service operation. At that point the
> service should already be set in the message context. If that is
> correct, then this means that at the time the OMDataSource is
> expanded, the service to which the request is dispatched is already
> known. We could then get the namespace mappings from a service
> parameter that the user must configure in services.xml.

I implemented that design and both Badgerfish and mapped JSON are now
working (although there is still a potential performance issue to
solve). See my last comment in AXIS2-5158 for more information about
how to set up an Axis2 service to work with mapped JSON.

>> Thanks
>> Shameera.
>>> Or is it just a resource issue, and someone (may be I) could add some
>>> stuff to support namespaces and maybe databinding.
>>> Thanks and regards
>>> Matthias
>>> From:        Shameera Rathnayaka <shameerai...@gmail.com>
>>> To:        java-user@axis.apache.org,
>>> Date:        26-04-2012 19:40
>>> Subject:        Re: Axis2 - JSON mapped - namespace (mismatch)
>>> ________________________________
>>> Hi Matthias,
>>> According to the documentation [1] it simply says that “Mapped” formatted
>>> JSON with namespaces are not supported in Axis2, I think you already have
>>> got this point. Let me explain how current implementation of axis2 expect
>>> mapped Json strings.
>>> The best way to demonstrate this is a short example,
>>> assume you need to send following xml ,
>>> <price xmlns="http://acme.com";>10.00</price>
>>> Using the mapped convention this can be turned into:
>>> { "acme.price" : { "10.00" } where http://acme.com --> acme
>>> as axis2 doesn't support namesapce mapping it expect this as
>>> { "price" : { "10.00" }
>>> That is why it checks always ':' colon instaed of '.' to get the
>>> localname.
>>> [1] http://wso2.org/library/768
>>> Thanks,
>>> Shameera.
>>> On Thu, Apr 26, 2012 at 6:29 PM, <ger...@slf.ch> wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> I'm trying to get my SOAP web service to run using mapped JSON instead of
>>> XML.
>>> Because it is not that obvious when moving to JSON, what works and what
>>> does not, I had to do some drilling down in to the code.
>>> I got a sample Service running based in an
>>> org.apache.axis2.receivers.RawXMLINOutMessageReceiver.
>>> But that's not the way to implement web services in these days.
>>> Basically, as AXIS is designed, we should be able to use databinding, as
>>> soon as we get the JSON stuff properly converted in to XML.
>>> This seams not to be the case at the moment (namespace mismatch)
>>> So i though about writing a wrapper around my generated skeleton and
>>> adding the correct namespaces myself, based on the prefixes used in the
>>> mapped JSON.
>>> Now it is where i get confused.
>>> In the documentation is mentioned to us a full stop "." to separate
>>> namespace-pefix from element name.
>>>         http://axis.apache.org/axis2/java/core/docs/json_support.html
>>> When i look at the code, I see, that there a colon ":" is expected to
>>> separate the prefix from the element name.
>>>         See org.apache.axis2.json.AbstractJSONOMBuilder line 116 to 143
>>> When I use a full stop "." I get an error, that the method is not found
>>> (Axis is looking for the howl thing, prefix and element name)
>>> When I use a colon ":" I get the an error in the data binding (this is ok,
>>>  because of the mismatching namespace issue and when i get the prefixed
>>> matched to the correct namespaces this should be solved.)
>>> Before I try to work around the mismatching namespace issue I really would
>>> like to know,
>>> how this is supposed to work with prefix, how prefix and element-name are
>>> separated, what prefixes are used for and what axis does with them.
>>> Thanks for your help and best regards
>>> Matthias
>>> --
>>> Shameera Rathnayaka
>>> Undergraduate
>>> Department of Computer Science and Engineering
>>> University of Moratuwa.
>>> Sri Lanka.
>>> Blog : http://shameerarathnayaka.blogspot.com/
>> --
>> Shameera Rathnayaka
>> Undergraduate
>> Department of Computer Science and Engineering
>> University of Moratuwa.
>> Sri Lanka.
>> Blog : http://shameerarathnayaka.blogspot.com/

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