
I'm programming a Java2D game that I want to deploy on Windows XP computers 
that unfortunately have directdraw disabled.  I still need/want hardware 
acceleration through OpenGL.

[b]Problem:[/b] The Java2D OGL pipeline isn't working, its reverting to 
software mode.  This happens even though I can run JOGL apps with high 
performance.  Why won't the Java2D OGL pipeline work even though JOGL apps work 
fine?  These computers use JVM 1.5 update 6.

This is the game I'm working on - 

PS: I'm pretty sure my jnlp file turns on J2D's OGL pipeline, but maybe I've 
done it wrong.  This is how I've enabled OGL in the jnlp above:

    <j2se href="http://java.sun.com/products/autodl/j2se"; version="1.5+" 
    <property name="sun.java2d.opengl" value="true"/>
    <property name="sun.java2d.noddraw" value="true"/>
    <jar href="STG.jar"/>
    <jar href="substance.jar"/>

Many thanks,
[Message sent by forum member 'commanderkeith' (commanderkeith)]


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