I think the v-sync is a great idea.  If done properly, it
could solve a lot of the tearing problems that
unsynced repeated drawing can cause

I have this thought.  What if the fastest a program can
prepare an image for render is less than the frame sync time?

Will there be a way to draw fewer frames a second than the
vertical sync speed but still have them sync'd with the refresh?

Or will that just happen automatially?

Ah, nice to hear it's all working! Is there any way to manage v-sync from 
within Java, and if not, are there any plans to add such a feature?
Enabling v-sync in windowed mode could save performance as those extra frames 
aren't all that useful anyways, and some may want v-sync disabled in full 
screen mode.

Thank you for all of your fast replies and great support, it is very much 
[Message sent by forum member 'ejoakim' (ejoakim)]


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