I think you misunderstand my intentions.  The applet shows
a profound defect in the Java2D API.  Either the applet
is wrong or the Java2D API needs work.

I'm trying to illuminate the problem with my applet.

If the applet uses the Java2D API wrong when I use
standard programming strategies, then let's figure
out why and fix it.

If you think you are contributing to a constructive
dialog with your comment then maybe you should rethink
your perspective.  Or not.  I really don't care much
what you think.

BufferedImages are half as fast as Image
for simple drawing.  I'm probably doing something wrong.  Any
improvement in the code will be appreciated.

After repeatedly insulting the Java2D team members that were trying to have a 
constructive dialog, i wouldn't hold my hopes too high.
[Message sent by forum member 'kirillcool' (kirillcool)]


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