Not at this point. We'll be adding API to do that
 in Java 7
In 6u10 we added some internal API to request a
strategy. This API is in sun.* package so it may
 change or
go away in the future so I'm not sure of how much
  it is.

Is this all specific to Linux or is it a general, OS independent problem?

  Not sure what you mean. The internal API is not specific
  to Linux if that's what you're asking.

Hm, I don't believe we supported fullscreen mode
 on Linux until
6, so I'm not sure how you could get it to work

True FSEM doesn't even work in 6u10 with Linux anymore. Things seem to get worse.

  Our experiences differ, then. It works just fine if you
  have RANDR extension set up and configured.

  Try running your application with J2D_TRACE_LEVEL=4 env.
  variable set, see if it prints out any errors.

  We have only seen a handful of people using full screen
  mode on linux - in part because it takes a lot to configure the
  linux system to work. There's a lot of variables
  (xinerama, randr, xrender extensions, compositing window
  managers) which affect the ability of applications
  (not just Java) to enter FSEM.

I think in 5 we used DBE (double buffer extension)
creating implementing buffer strategy, may be
 something changed
  in 6 - I can't think of what though.

This is very discomforting. One wonders what's not gonna work next time.

  You're the first to complain about this.


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