Hi Kyle,

you reminded me of something. Perhaps some other people could comment on this,

The setting  i currently use is -Xms32 -Xmx128
for setting my preffered min and max heap sizes.
-Xincgc acitvates incremental garbage collection. I simply don't quite know what
i it does
to the VM, but i encountered better memory management. It seems that the VM
always tries
to release its free memory back to the system. One can monitor a free VM memory
of 1 to 2 MByte,

For my app it's definitly a recommended VM setting!!


Kyle McDonald wrote:

> RWGRAY wrote:
> > Does anyone have a suggestion/tool for tracking down "memory leaks".
> >
> > I build a BracnkGroup with lots of objects.  Attach it to my scene.  Later,
> > I detach it.  After detaching and calling System.gc(), I *never* see the
> > memory usage for javaw decrease.  (Windows 2000 task manager reports memory
> > usage of tasks.)
> >
> Even when free memory is reclaimed by GC, the JVM doesn't necc.
> release it to the OS. There are some JVM options that I think can
> change this behavior, but I think the default is for the JVM to
> hold on to free memory for it to reuse. I could be wrong. Or I
> could be right and there is also a memory leak. Who knows.
> I have used and like OptimizeIt.
>         -Kyle
> --
>                                     _
> -------------------------------ooO( )Ooo-------------------------------
> Kyle J. McDonald                 (o o)         Systems Support Engineer
> Sun Microsystems Inc.            |||||
> Enterprise Server Products                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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