I've posted an archive file with Java3D related things on my website.
Although the archive itself is fairly large, the skin and bones specific
stuff consists of two files.  There's a write up on them here:

The archive can be downloaded at http://www.kitfox.com/salamander/.  It
represents about two and a half months of work on what I intended to be
a distributed MMORPG style engine.  However, time and money constraints
have focused my attention towards a Real Job, so it's essentially
abandoned at the moment.

It contains some useful things, such as Flash style menus and a 3D file
format and importer for game levels and character animations (as well as
an exporter from Maya).

Let me know what you think.  If folks are interested, I may continue to
develop parts of it.  As much as I would like to continue to develop
Salamander into a general purpose gaming engine for Java, I've come to
understand what a huge undertaking this is and something that I cannot
accomplish on my own.

Mark McKay

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