Serge Bernier wrote:


Nikolai V. Chr wrote:à

When I tried exporting animation from 3ds to vrml, it did not export
this link. It exported keyframes.

And btw. vrml does not support skinning/morphing.

Exactly, a 3ds animation to vrml create a bunch of files accordingly to the keyframe of the animation. I reconstruct the bones structure from the information in the first vrml file. After that I search in the other files only the information about the mouvement of the bones.

The rest of the job is to attach skin. I know the information is not in the
VRML files but I dont know if 3ds export that information in another format
(ex: ascii file)? Is there any other option when you export the animation to
vrml file (like export bones and mesh)??


Serge Bernier

Selon "Nikolai V. Chr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Serge Bernier wrote:

Hi all,

I dont know how 3ds make the link between the
mesh and the bones.

When I tried exporting animation from 3ds to vrml, it did not export
this link. It exported keyframes.

And btw. vrml does not support skinning/morphing.


Agreed. VRML does not support skinning, and does not interpolate between keyframes either, both of which make it unsuitable for video game content.

If you're interested in creating a plugin for 3DS Max that can export
skins, you might want to look in to porting the plugin I've created for
Maya at

Mark McKay

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