Thanks Mark!


This makes sense, and will even allow me to keep the applet unsigned.  It will just mean another call (to get the header information) to the server, but that is still a lot faster than pulling the uncompressed images over.


-------------- Original message from Mark Hood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: --------------

> > Date: Sun, 22 May 2005 03:12:44 +0000
> >
> > OK, I'll forget about using the CompressedGeometryFile entirely as you and
> > Laurent Gilson suggested.
> >
> > He did say that there should be a way to assemble a CompressedGeometry file
> > in the client applet though.
> Yes, it's very simple. Don't even bother to use obj2cg directly, it's
> just an example of what you can do.
> Take a look at ObjectFileCompressor in the same directory. There's a
> method compress(String) that returns a CompressedGeometry object after
> compressing a .obj file. Use that method after calling
> setQuantization() to reasonable values (the defa ults are a little too
> lossy in my opinion).
> Now you have a CompressedGeometry object. Use the getByteCount() and
> getCompressedGeometry() methods to get the compressed bits. Use
> getCompressedGeometryHeader() to get the the header information. Write
> them out into a file in whatever streamable format you like, and have
> your client read it.
> Your client can construct new CompressedGeometryHeader and
> CompressedGeometry instances using the compressed bits and the header
> information in the files it reads from the server. Add the
> CompressedGeometry to the scenegraph and it will decompress itself into
> a renderable form the first time it is needed. (If you had a Sun
> Elite3D graphics accelerator it would have been left in the scene graph
> in compressed form and decompressed by the graphics hardware for
> rendering). If you need direct access to the decompressed geometry,
> call the decompress() method.
> Remember that the compressed geometry is normalized to a range of -1.0
> to +1.0 on the major axis (a uniform scale), so you'll need to re-scale
> afterwards. Also note that you can't compress geometry with texture
> coordinates in the vertices, which is the major deficiency of the
> format.
> -- Mark Hood
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