About project lombok, in reply to:

On Aug 13, 7:50 pm, Charles Oliver Nutter <head...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Project Lombok seems to be mostly a set of annotations for common Java
> patterns, rather than a new language. What I'd like to see is someone
> take javac, hack all the missing features into it, and call it
> something new.

Annotations for now because they are nice and namespaced, but there's
nothing in the lombok framework that _requires_ annotations. lombok
could rewrite every instance of 'a == b' where both a and b are
objects, to 'a == null ? b == null : a.equals(b)' if you wanted it to.

The problem with creating a new javac is that people don't write code
in notepad, but in eclipse. So, unless your java.next comes with a
plugin for that, you can't get to critical mass without slowly
building up from a core of hardcore fans. Scala can get away with it,
but that's only because scala is radical. A language which is just
java with a few less warts isn't going to make people drop back down
to notepad for a year or 5 until the community is large enough to
start writing IDE plugins. A similar argument holds for people
ditching their code and starting over.

Hence, lombok starts from day 1 with not just an IDE plugin, but an
utterly transparent experience, with all existing code already legal.
You can start using project lombok on your existing 1 million kLoC
project, inside of 20 seconds (no lie - check the video on

> - Charlie
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